Which Are You: A Fat Burner or a Sugar Burner?

To be the most effective fat burner…

e carbohydrates and sweets. Dinner isn’t complete until it includes potatoes, buns, or spaghetti. Dessert is required. When you try to eat less sugar, you get irritable and unable to concentrate.

… you have a problem with abdominal fat. Even if you lose weight, it will be in your arms and legs. You just can’t seem to lose any inches off your waist.

Being a sugar burner means that your major source of fuel is glucose, which eliminates the need for your body to use fat stores for fuel. Why should it, be when your body needs a regular supply of carbohydrates?

The more carbs you consume, the higher your blood sugar level will be. The higher your blood sugar levels, the more insulin your body must create to bring them back to normal.

All that insulin has a number of serious side effects, including the suppression of leptin synthesis. Leptin is a hormone that regulates your hunger. Without it, your brain never receives the signal that you are full. That is why sugar addicts are frequently hungry and overweight.

The Risks of Using Sugar as Fuel

It’s a never-ending circle. Being a sugar burner means that your body requires more insulin and stores fat; excessive body fat makes you less sensitive to insulin. Insulin resistance has its own set of complications, including an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other inflammatory disorders. 3,4 As a result, sugar addicts frequently experience joint pain, headaches, skin problems, and other unpleasant symptoms. 5–7

Even when sugar addicts lose weight, they seldom shed fat. As a result, you’re making matters worse. You are conditioning your body to store fat even more persistently.

Sugar addicts frequently suffer from anxiety or despair, as well as persistent cravings and obesity. They acquire symptoms ranging from high blood pressure to raised cholesterol over time.

Before you go keto or experiment with intermittent fasting… Unless you burn fat for fuel instead of sugar, the two most popular diets right now will not only fail but may also be harmful! You risk damaging your thyroid and gaining weight since these diets only work if you’re a fat burner.

What Does Fat Burner Mean?

The ultimate objective is to be a fat burner. You teach your body to burn fat for fuel by eating fewer carbohydrates and more clean, lean protein and healthy fats.

As a fat burner, your system will continue to burn carbs as fuel first and will utilize the minimal amount of sugar obtained from slow-low carbs such as veggies, quinoa, or legumes. Then, for energy, your metabolism immediately goes to your fat stores.

Fat burners may easily go 4–6 hours without meals and do not have sugar or carb cravings since fat burns more slowly and persistently. They also shed weight more readily and have more consistent energy.

How to Bring About Change

If you perceive yourself as a sugar burner, going sugar-free is the WORST thing you can do. Cutting off your source of glucose and carbohydrates abruptly can make you feel terrible and set you up for a cycle of yo-yo dieting and more health problems.

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