If you’re having trouble attaining your weight reduction goals, this article may be of assistance!

the one major, unexpected reason you can’t lose weight! If losing weight is proving difficult despite your best efforts to exercise and eat healthily, read on!

I feel like I’ve spent my whole life trying to shed 5 pounds. It made no difference whether my legs were like sticks or if I had gained 20 pounds in a year.

My ideal weight was a figure I made up in my head with no actual basis. Without a clear understanding of what this number would signify. My sole vision was that once I reached my target weight, my belly would be flat, I would look like a short supermodel, and I would live happily ever after.

For some reason, I never achieved my target weight, and my stomach never flattened. My weight fluctuated over time. My target weight has also shifted. But the sense within me remained — I never did enough to get there.

I recently had a major epiphany.

One reason, I read, is that you don’t know how you want to feel after you achieve your objective. You’re not sure how you’ll react when you get there. And you have no idea what you’ll be doing, how you’ll act, or what you’ll feel after you’ve reached your ideal weight.

Most of the time, though, this was an eye-opening realization I had one morning: you’re probably frightened of becoming someone you don’t know.

A total stranger — someone who isn’t you right now. You know who you are, whether you are perfect or flawed, slim or overweight, nice or evil.

And you’ve become the person who can’t lose weight after all these years. I just can’t seem to pull it together. The individual who lacks self-discipline and self-sabotages anytime she notices a little step in the correct path.

Losing weight and seeing your body alter may be frightening. You’re joyful for a while, but then you get this sensation. Oh my, what if it truly occurs?

So, you sabotage yourself to see whether you’re still the same.

The fact is that you will alter as a result of the procedure. You have to. The good news is that losing weight is just a question of being happy. Being happy you can be in ANY condition or scenario.

Doing the right thing while having fun. Weight reduction is a byproduct of having a happy life.

And living a happy life is not something you acquire AFTER you’ve lost all of your weight. It’s something you do on a daily basis. It’s a decision in how you respond to things, in how you choose to live even when things don’t go as planned or envisioned.


What you need here, and what you must decide here, is who you want to become in the process. What do you wish to discover and experience?

The one thing you should ask yourself is:

What would my best self do on a daily basis? How will I act?

Describe every single detail.

Because that is precisely what you should be doing right now if you want to lose weight.

To become the person, you want to be and accomplish the objectives you want to attain, you must first behave like the person you want to be. You must already be that person. Because after you’ve arrived at your destination, you’ll need to know how to remain there.

If you don’t alter anything about yourself or your ideas when you become that person, you won’t suddenly know how to behave in tricky circumstances. In the future, you will not be able to make the correct decision on the spur of the moment. You must learn as much as possible along the route.

Take this trip for what it is: a learning experience, no matter how difficult it is. Every circumstance should be approached with interest, excitement, and a determination to do your best. When you fail or lose self-discipline, see it as a learning experience rather than a failure that knocks you out for months. Learn, brush yourself off, and go on.


Take a pen and paper and jot down the answers to the following questions as “homework”:

What kind of person will you be if you lose weight? Is anything fundamental about you going to change? Would you have to give up your values in order to lose weight? What would your best self do on a daily basis? What do you want to gain from this journey? Is there a habit or food you like right now that you’re scared you won’t be able to have again? Which one is it? Are you concerned that you may acquire traits that you despise in others? Which ones are they? Find out what’s holding you back, and when they want to self-sabotage strikes, remember the solutions and know you’ve got this.

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