The Best Way to Lose Weight — Burn Twice as Many Calories as You Consume

You already know that decreasing weight will help you feel and look better.

But every attempt you’ve made so far has resulted in you regaining the weight.

The main issue has been that all of your diets have been 1) extremely restrictive and 2) required calorie control.

Even if they could work, they make you too concerned with what you eat.

Besides, who wants to spend their entire life calculating calories?

Fortunately, there are several different solutions that can assist you in losing those love handles or finally fitting into that dress you’ve always desired.

And, no, none of them entail calorie counting — promise!

1. Make a list of your eating habits.

Dedicate 4–8 days to documenting you’re eating patterns, not based on calories but rather on how you feel after eating.

Write down the following information: (1) the date and time, (2) what you ate and drank, (3) how hungry you were before the meal and how full you were after, and (4) your feelings related to that meal:

  • Monday, October 8th, 7:30 a.m.
  • Food and drink — 1 cup of coffee, 1 bowl of milk, and oats.
  • Hunger/fullness — I’m starving! After eating, I was really full.
  • Emotions — energized and content.

This task’s purpose is to gain an overview and find trends.

  • Do you find it difficult to concentrate at work if you have a little breakfast?
  • Do you munch more in the evening if you skip lunch?
  • Do you eat differently on weekends than you do during the week?

2. Remove any unnecessary items.

Yes, those doughnuts do seem delectable.

But they aren’t helping you or getting you closer to your objective.


Consider yourself a year from now:

  • What do you want to do?
  • What kind of person do you want to be?
  • What is more essential, how do you want to feel?

Write down your answers to these questions and keep them handy to remind you of the path you wish to take.

You can either stay in your current position or you can reduce the junk (cookies, ice cream, pizza) and be able to:

  • Consume without feeling guilty.
  • Become more energized and well-rested.
  • Become more content and self-assured.
  • Feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror.

It is not necessary to starve yourself in order to get healthier. Indeed,

You can still consume a large amount of food if you select the correct sources:

  • Broccoli, Spinach, Paprika, Cabbage, and Onions
  • Chicken, turkey, eggs, fish, and soybeans are all good sources of protein.
  • Carbohydrates include root vegetables, legumes, bulgur, quinoa, and fruits and berries.

Fatty fish, almonds, seeds, olive oil, and avocado are all high in fat.

3. Avoid consuming your calories.

Many beverages are heavy in sugar and, while we don’t want to acknowledge it, are too simple to consume (another round of shots, anyone?).

Compare this to eating a good meal consisting of vegetables, protein, and necessary fatty acids slowly.

The second choice will keep you fuller for 10/10 of the time.

Replacing your regular soda, juice, and alcohol with water or light soda is essential for weight reduction.

4. Consume adequate protein

When it comes to losing weight, protein is one of the most crucial macronutrients to consider.

It not only helps you shed more fat, but it also lessens your hunger and improves your appetite management.

Protein-rich foods include:

  • Tuna, mackerel, salmon, and cod are examples of fish.
  • Meat: beef and pork
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Soybeans
  • Lenses
  • Almonds
  • Seeds
  • Cheese

5. Add additional green to your plate

Vegetables are one of the most effective weight-loss aids.

They are nutrient-dense, fiber-rich, and saturate well — all while providing relatively few calories.

Allow them to take up half of your meal plate if you choose.

Either fresh or frozen.

Cook them in a wok or roast them in the oven.

Make your diet more colorful by becoming imaginative.

You’ll be doing yourself and the environment a tremendous favor if you eat more veggies.

6. Eat frequently

While meal frequency appears to be less important, eating at the same times every day can make a big impact.

By being consistent, your mind and body will learn when to eat and when not to eat.

You will reduce your chances of being acutely hungry and succumbing to temptations in this manner.

Use your paperwork from point 1 — at the start of the post — to determine if you already have regular eating habits.

If not, adjust your eating routine to be as constant as possible.

Don’t allow that chocolate hunger to get the best of you!

7. Do not eat in front of the television.

Do you enjoy bringing your supper into the living room to watch your favorite television show?

Many of us, in fact.

However, you are less likely to pay attention to what and how much you consume as a result of this.

Avoid mindless overeating by eating away from screens.

8. Consume nutritious foods

It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all of the diverse diet recommendations available today, both on the internet and from individuals we meet.

  • Should you consume a high-fat diet?
  • Should you consume a low-carb diet?
  • Should you abstain from eating in the evening?

In the end, the most essential factor is the quality of the food you consume.

Choose unprocessed, fresh, and nutrient-dense ingredients:

Apples have 52 calories per 100g. 530 calories per 100g crisps

This alone makes a significant impact while attempting to reduce weight.

Better still, it permits you to consume MORE.


Losing weight does not necessitate excessive calorie counting.

It also does not necessitate an incredibly rigid diet.

Begin by making one or two minor yet significant changes:

  • Make a list of your eating habits.
  • Get rid of the waste.
  • Avoid consuming calories by drinking them.
  • Consume adequate protein.
  • Make your plate eco-friendlier.
  • Consistently consume food.
  • Do not eat in front of the television.
  • Consume appropriate nutrition.

Do a third once you’ve mastered the first two.

If you can keep making good adjustments over time, you will be able to attain your goal weight in a healthier and more pleasurable manner.

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