The Benefits of Cravings: Quitting Inflammatory Foods

Not so quickly. Please bear with me while I explain…

These symptoms are proof that you’re doing everything correctly! And, while I dislike seeing patients suffer, cravings for sweets or the seven high-FI (food intolerance) items are a very positive warning.

Cravings and withdrawal from food?

According to research, we may get hooked to meals in the same way that we might become addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs.

In fact, sugar has been demonstrated to be more addictive than some opioids, and the withdrawal patterns of persons who stop eating sugar and inflammatory processed foods are strikingly similar to those who stop using drugs.

Eliminating addictive or inflammatory foods from your diet, like removing hazardous medications from your body, causes an adjustment period that can be difficult. It indicates that your body is working hard to eliminate pollutants and dangerous antibodies. Withdrawal symptoms often appear 3–4 days after beginning the Virgin Diet or Sugar Impact Diet, and they vary from person to person. The adjustment phase of detoxification may result in:

  • intense food or sugar cravings
  • headaches
  • anxiety
  • mood swings
  • skin flare-ups
  • gut issues (diarrhea or constipation)
  • brain fog
  • flu-like symptoms
  • fatigue
  • muscle/joint pain

Symptoms of withdrawal: what are they?

  • Sugar is poisonous and addicting.

Sugar is poisonous to your brain and body, which is unfortunate for everyone who follows the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Too much of it, according to research, can induce brain degeneration, resulting in memory loss and cell damage. It can also be as damaging to your liver as alcoholism, leading to fatty liver disease, blood sugar imbalances, and weight gain!

Cravings are a common reaction when you eliminate sugar from your diet because, like other addictive medications, the more sugar you consume, the more you crave it. You soon start nibbling to live and become “hangry” whenever you miss those carbs.

Given the number of hidden sugars in today’s diet, you might unwittingly acquire a dangerous dependency. Even if you “eat well,” omitting sugar from your diet might produce withdrawal symptoms.

As a result, in Cycle 1 of the Sugar Impact Diet, we carefully taper your sugar exposure and carb consumption. However, if you’ve been eating a high-sugar or high-carb diet, even a gentle taper might be uncomfortable.

  • Your body is switching from sugar to fat-burning.

This is wonderful news! This is how it works:

When you’re habituated to a high-sugar diet, glucose is the primary fuel source for your body. Consuming Sugar Impact meals produces blood sugar and the production of insulin, which lowers your levels.

When insulin causes your blood sugar to drop too low, your body believes it is out of fuel and attempts to raise the levels. The end result? You develop appetites!

Your body learns to use stored fat for fuel when you decrease sugar and begin eating a diet high in clean protein and healthy fats instead. That’s why most Sugar Impact Diet participants lose up to 10 pounds in the first two weeks!

However, the change does not happen immediately, and you may feel withdrawal symptoms while you adjust.

  • You’ve eliminated foods that cause inflammation.

Sugar cravings aren’t the only ones driven by dietary changes!

When you consume foods that promote chronic inflammation, such as gluten, dairy, soy, or eggs, your body produces antibodies to help neutralize the inflammatory substances. And when you consume fewer of those toxic foods, those antibodies are rendered useless.

As a result, you may develop strong desires for the exact items that were causing you damage! The good news is that cravings are temporary and are a solid indicator that you’re on the correct track by eliminating the things you crave from your diet.

The antibodies will quickly go, as will the unpleasant symptoms of food intolerance that accompany those problematic meals!

Remember that the more inflammatory foods you consume in the past, the more severe your withdrawal symptoms may have been.

  • Detoxing introduces contaminants into the overall circulation.

If you’re used to eating the Standard American Diet, your body is being bombarded with pesticides, GMO foods, and a never-ending array of toxins from processed meals. When your liver becomes overburdened with toxins, they are deposited in your fat.

You consume clean, organic, and non-GMO foods while on the Virgin Diet or the Sugar Impact Diet. Because your body is no longer absorbing new poisons, it may begin to eliminate what you already have!

Detoxification may be hard on your body and result in unpleasant symptoms such as those described above.

Furthermore, when you begin to burn fat for fuel, additional toxins are released into your system’s general circulation. This can result in the same flu-like symptoms, rashes, and other typical withdrawal symptoms.

Are you still with me? Now for the good news…

The benefits of cravings and withdrawal symptoms:

Symptoms indicate that you are on the correct road and that the program is functioning!

All of the cravings and withdrawal symptoms are indications that your body is producing toxins with fat when you transition from a sugar burner to a fat burner. Your blood sugar is balancing, and chronic inflammation caused by food sensitivities and toxins is subsiding.

That is both thrilling and inspiring!

In fact, the more symptoms you have, the more you realize your body is trying to repair itself. And the more severe the symptoms, the more dramatic the outcomes!

This is why it’s critical to understand what’s causing them so you can be ready and prepared to push through it and eventually achieve your health objectives.

You’ll also be relieved to know that these symptoms don’t persist long — in most cases, they fade or subside within 3 or 4 days.

Getting off inflammatory foods

When it comes to sugar, simple is best!

Because sugar is so addictive, quitting cold turkey will almost certainly result in the worst cravings and withdrawal symptoms, as well as setting yourself up for failure. You were addicted to sweets over time, so you can’t just stop now.

Because it was designed to reduce the sugar effect gradually in two phases, the Sugar Impact Diet has proven extremely successful for tens of thousands of rehabilitated sugar addicts.

You’ll utilize healthy alternatives and smart meal planning to eliminate munchies and go from a sugar burner to a fat burner. You’ll be able to lose belly fat and reduce inflammation, which can make you feel lousy and add to discomfort and illness risk.

When it comes to dietary intolerances, go cold turkey.

It is critical to eliminate inflammatory foods totally and immediately. Don’t worry — it’s temporary, lasting only until your system has a chance to mend.

Unlike sugar, the best way to eliminate foods that trigger intolerance symptoms is to eliminate them from your diet entirely. Allow your system to slow down, clear away those inflammatory antibodies, and start feeling better.

And I’ll cover you while you do it!

I devised The Virgin Diet to assist you in eliminating the top seven high-FI items that are most likely to cause problems: gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, maize, sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

I’ll help you test back the possible offenders to find out which items are acceptable for you, and which need to remain out for good once you’ve completed a 3-week cleanse when you consume other healthy, tasty alternatives instead.

This has been shown to be the most effective method for overcoming weight loss resistance, gas and bloating, lethargy, and a slew of other issues caused by dietary intolerances.

Getting over cravings and withdrawal

Examine your mindset.

The most essential method to get through this difficult period is to focus on your thinking.

What is your compelling reason? Remember why you started this health journey in the first place and consider what it would mean to finally achieve your health goals. What would you do differently if you didn’t have to worry about being overweight, having joint discomfort, migraines, cravings, or being tired?

A good attitude does wonders, so instead of reaching for the food, jot down a few things you’re grateful for and a few victories for the day.

I can think of several: we’re thankful you’re taking charge of your health, that you have an Internet connection so you may get treatment, and that you have the fortitude and hope to continue forward. And the fact that you’re willing to make a change is a HUGE plus. Go you!

Accountability and assistance

A great approach to remaining on track and getting over cravings and withdrawals on a diet is to do it with a friend!

That’s why, in addition to a private community of supportive and active people on the same path, all of my successful, science-based programs feature health coaches to keep you informed, motivated, and inspired to follow through!

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