If you’ve been wanting to lose weight for a long but can’t commit to spending HOURS at the gym and obsessing about every single bite you eat because you want more out of life, this challenge is for you.

You may have read my rather theatrical post last week about how I’m beginning a 30-day challenge to become healthy and active on Monday. I meant every single word in that piece and didn’t publish it on any social media, so if you missed it, here’s a link to it.

And The 30-Day Challenge has begun!!! (I know, there aren’t enough exclamation points in the world.)

Actually, the challenge began yesterday, but I didn’t have time to compose this post, so it’s here on Tuesday. And, since I’m so far behind, I’ll have one more post up later today: This week’s exercise routine. It’ll be a lot of fun and exciting. You may begin the challenge whenever you like — I will try my best to give updates on a daily basis.


Eating protein powder and performing activities you despise is not the way to become healthy and fit. It’s about living an active, enjoyable life.

Despite the fact that this challenge includes healthy food and exercise, it is mostly about developing a lifestyle that makes you feel so wonderful that you want to continue living this way even after the challenge is over.

Some of the lovely side benefits of living this way are:

enhancing your health

getting in shape and reducing weight

enhancing your skin

reducing stress

become more self-assured and fearless in all aspects of life

lowering depression

enhancing happiness

enhancing one’s creativity

Stop overthinking and start DOING


For the last six months, I’ve been unsuccessfully attempting to maintain a healthy lifestyle by organizing a 21-day challenge practically every day of the week.

It started with a sugar-free challenge, then a gluten-free challenge, an eat-only-raw-foods challenge, a coffee-free challenge, a one-hour-of-exercise-every-day challenge…

ANYTHING you can think of.

I’ve been really busy, so it’s no surprise that none of these tasks were successful. In fact, I’d crap out THE FIRST DAY and then be very thrilled in the evening because TOMORROW is a new day and I’m going to be wonderful and not want to eat any of that stuff. After all, it made me unhappy today. You can guess what occurred next. It’s the same thing every time.

So, after many guilt trips, I concluded that all of these tasks failed because I couldn’t commit to them. They’re not entertaining. And I like having fun. More importantly, I need to have some fun in my life right now.

I like to feel wonderful rather than deprived, guilty, or punished for something I KNOW I did not do. So my reaction to all of these problems is to constantly fight against injustice and disobey all of these ridiculous regulations (even if they were mine). Significantly.


Instead of rules, let’s simply define a few objectives for the day. Goals that will test you at first, but will pay off well in the long run. These are long-term objectives to which we can commit. Goals that will make you happy — in health, mind, and soul. When you commit to these objectives, it will be simple to get back on track, even if you fall off the wagon.

What if you can’t give up coffee or gluten? Maybe you’re not quite ready for that step yet. Is this to say you shouldn’t try to maintain a healthy lifestyle? Obviously not. Do all you can to keep going and developing.


  1. Prioritizing veggies. This is the most undervalued aspect of any weight reduction regimen I’ve seen. Probably because it seems so simple and uninteresting. It’s also not a secret. Children are aware of this. It’s not a revolutionary weight loss HACK (hate that word as much as I hate old bananas).

However, veggies are not just crucial for weight loss; they are also the meal that your body is physically best adapted to handle. Vegetables include a high concentration of antioxidants, which protect biological molecules from free radical damage, aid in the formation of new healthy cells, and may even boost your mood.

My personal aim is to eat veggies with each meal, as well as at least one salad and one smoothie every day.

  1. Opting for the healthier choice (at least most of the time). The choice with the most in store for you. For example, instead of processed grains, you may go for whole grains. You eat fruits and nuts instead of sweets. Isn’t it obvious what’s healthy and what isn’t? This aim should be easy to attain if you stick to whole foods. Remember that just because something is healthy does not give you permission to overeat. Overeating is never a healthy thing. This gets me to my next objective.
  2. Allow yourself to indulge once a day, but refrain from bingeing. This is most likely the most difficult aspect of the task. Because this section necessitates restraint. One of my primary objectives for the challenge is to learn to LOVE moderation. I’m having a lot of trouble with it. Look for the beauty in this. The allure of stating, “I had a very nice supper, and it’s enough.” “I’m pleased.” I’m not sure how to accomplish it. Yet.

While I’m not saying you should quit eating gluten, fat, meat, or coffee, or that you shouldn’t eat after 7 p.m. — I am suggesting that you could be OK with one slice of pizza instead of four, and one cup of coffee instead of three. When you do indulge, be very careful of your actions. Enjoy your meal and be content with what you have.

  1. Move your whole body for 30 minutes. Do everything you can to make yourself happy. I like dancing (despite having two left feet) and pilates, so that’s what I’ll do. Others choose HIIT and strength training. Others like sports such as swimming or jogging.
  2. Take a 45-minute walk/movement break during work. ALL of my fat rolls are the result of sitting at a desk. Seriously. EVERY ONE OF THEM. So I’m going to start taking more walking breaks. I may not be able to take a walking break every 30 minutes at work (as indicated by my study), but 45 minutes is a lot better than 4 hours of sitting.
  3. Get involved in other aspects of your life: Do something you’ve been putting off for a long time. The most vital aspect of having a healthy and fit life, in my view. This section will assist you in developing self-discipline, and bravery, reducing stress, and increasing happiness.

This phase is about doing the things that may considerably enhance your life but that you are either afraid of or too lazy to accomplish. You know you should do it, but you don’t.

It may be something you REALLY want to accomplish but constantly find an excuse for not doing it — it’s never the perfect time, my family doesn’t support me, I need to do this first…

It may be signing up for a class or language lessons, beginning a new pastime, making new acquaintances, or something as easy as having a massage, going to the hairdresser, or simply cleaning your house (that’s me). Do this every day; it doesn’t have to take long — 20 minutes each day is plenty. Take it one step at a time if it’s a large task.

  1. Spend at least one hour outside, ideally in nature. Being in nature can help you relax, and if you go alone, you may discover that you may find answers to many of your issues and troubles. The weather is lovely right now, so it’s a fantastic time to do this.
  2. Get 8 hours of sleep without feeling guilty about how tired you are. There is no need for instructions here — just go to bed early and set your alarm for 8 a.m.


Currently, I weigh 63.5kg (140lbs), have a waist measurement of 72cm (28.3 inches), a hip measurement of 102cm (40.1 inches), and a chest measurement of 95cm (37.4 inches).


healthful dishes that are wonderful

a fun weekly exercise routine

Report on what I consume in a day’s sample

Methods for Changing Your Behavior

Weekly updates and reporting


I’d be thrilled if you could join me on this challenge, better your life, and become healthy and strong with me! Stay still and do your best to follow the measures outlined above. Over the next several days, I’ll be providing recipes, essential suggestions, and fantastic weekly workout programs that will incorporate aerobic dancing routines and toning exercises. And, of course, my own development. You don’t want to miss out.

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