The 15 most surprising reasons for belly fat gain

We know you’re working hard to stay in shape, but one day you decide to put on a pair of pants you last wore a month or two ago, and bang!

You can’t reach the button because they’re too tight.

Since you’ve been exercising, eating nutritious meals, and drinking lots of water, you’re wondering where you went wrong.

Is there another explanation for your weight gain?

Yes, in fact! They’ll also surprise you.

There are a variety of things that might increase your waistline, and we’ll look at fifteen of them.

1. You eat healthy Foods

While eating nutritious food is suggested if you want to reduce weight, consuming healthy food might have the opposite effect.

Instead, try eating in smaller quantities.

Quinoa, avocados, almonds, and dark chocolates should all be ingested in reasonable amounts.

Unless you’re eating a vegetable or fruit, the food you’re eating isn’t likely to be low in calories, therefore you should start following these portion control guidelines.

Rice and pasta around the size of a fist

pistachio butter with shredded cheese the size of a ping-pong ball

The size of a deck of cards in terms of lean flesh

2. You’re Suffering From Depression

We don’t want to be depressed, and we don’t want to be depressed.

According to some accounts, the drug causes some people to gain weight.

Some antidepressants, according to dieticians, might cause cravings for carbohydrates in particular, and you know how carbs work.

Furthermore, while depression causes a decrease in appetite, its treatment allows sick people to restore their appetite and overeat.

Switching medications is a solution to this problem because certain medications induce weight gain more than others.

Changing your medicine, on the other hand, may have a smaller impact on your depression.

You must determine which is more important: reducing weight or overcoming despair.

3. You’ve lost a lot of water in your body.

According to a University of Birmingham study, drinking two glasses of water before each meal will help you lose weight faster.

Water makes us feel fuller, so we eat less, and it also offers us energy and helps us regulate our body temperature.

If you skip the two glasses of water before eating your meal, you’ll eat more calories and gain weight, and a parched body will preserve the remaining water for important physiological activities.

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and avoid gaining weight. You may also drink detox water that tastes good.

4. You’re a Night Owl

You may be eating healthy and exercising like Dwayne Johnson, but if you’re staying up late watching his movies and binge-viewing “Game of Thrones,” “Empire,” “Narcos,” and “Charmed,” you’re not doing your body any favors.

You’ll notice a change in your waistline.

Sleep deprivation activates the hunger hormone ghrelin and reduces the satiety hormone, which is linked to weight growth.

When you are awake, your brain tends to advise you to eat junk food, making portion management more difficult.

Dieticians claim that if you sleep for seven to eight hours every night for a week or two, your hunger and desires will subside.

5. Your Workout Sessions Are Obsessed With You

To lose weight, you must exercise as well as consume nutritious foods, and most of us like those sessions.

However, doctors warn against obsessing or overthinking about your workouts, since this can make losing weight more difficult.

You are tempted to consume extra calories while thinking about your workout since you are overconfident that you will burn them at the gym.

Regrettably, this isn’t doable.

What’s the good news? Put a date on it, set a reminder, and then forget about it!

You won’t forget since your iCal will remind you.

You won’t have to think about your workout as much this way.

6. You have a sluggish thyroid.

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck above the Adam’s apple that has several functions in the body, one of which is to improve your metabolism.

However, there are occasions when your thyroid fails to function properly for various reasons, resulting in hypothyroidism.

So, what are some of the signs and symptoms? You already know why we’re here. One of them is weight gain, but experts say the disorder develops slowly and that many individuals are unaware they have it until it has progressed to its full extent.

If your thyroid is the cause of your weight gain, no matter how hard you train out or eat the right foods, you won’t be able to obtain the lean physique you’ve always desired.

The best advice is to see your doctor if you see a rapid weight increase while eating healthy foods and exercising regularly. Have them check for thyroid concerns.

7. You’re hesitant to go on the scale.

You’ve undoubtedly heard it said in songs that what you don’t know can’t hurt you, but it usually implies there’s unpleasant news on the other side.

When it comes to weight growth, it’s important to remember to weigh oneself.

The number is probably something you don’t want to know.

Dieticians say we’re too lazy to go on the scales, especially in the winter, so we eat comfort foods, don’t exercise much, and lounge in front of the fireplace, or turn up the heat.

Reduce snacks, get more exercise, and get on the scale at least once a week to shed those excess pounds.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are the most suggested days to weigh yourself.

8. You Forget to Check Yourself Out

If you fail to use the self-checkout kiosks that grocery stores provide for their clients, the candy you consume might derail your weight reduction.

Let’s delve a little deeper.

When men and women scanned their things and swiped their credit cards, impulse purchases decreased by 16.7% and 32.1 percent, respectively, according to research conducted by IHL Consulting Group.

The majority of impulsive purchases are bad for your waistline.

80 percent of candy purchases and 61 percent of salty-snack purchases are made on the spur of the moment.

Be the one to check yourself out the next time you pass by a grocery shop.

9. You are Getting Older

When we reach the age of 30, our bodies begin to lose muscle mass. Our metabolism slows as well.

You’re in party mode with the cakes, candles, and cocktails, but the worst present you get is gaining weight as you get older, especially if you eat the same foods you did before 30.

Stay active to keep your young figure.

To keep your tissue and slender physique, do a balance of aerobic and weight-bearing exercises.

10. You’re Achy

Achy portions of your body might deter you from exercising or engaging in physical activities.

If you don’t exercise, you’ll gain weight over time, especially if you don’t quit eating what you were eating while you were exercising.

Who wants to exercise when they have joint pains? It’s nearly unthinkable! Exercise, on the other hand, can help you avoid arthritic symptoms, and you should go for low-impact sports like swimming and cycling.

Some strength training routines, such as lifting modest weights, can assist you a lot, according to specialists.

11. You Consume an Excessive Amount of Healthy Food

When clients feel like they aren’t permitted to indulge a few times, they build compelling cravings, according to dietician Leah Kaufman.

You should eat no more than 100 calories each day to tone down those urges without going off course.

A single Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, 12 gummy bears, and nine peanut M&Ms are among the foods advised.

12. When you go shopping, you bring a basket with you.

You probably went into the shop to get a few things, but picking up the portable basket is a bad choice. It is preferable to use the cart.

According to research published in the Journal of Marketing Research, pushing a cart reduces the likelihood of selecting goods that contribute to belly obesity.

Carrying a basket can also prompt the desire to pick up goods like crackers, cookies, and chips, according to the study. Instead, get some nutritious snacks.

13. You Are Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein is vital to consume since it is satiating, reduces overeating, and is slowly refined compared to carbs.

Proteins also aid in the preservation of lean muscle mass.

If you don’t consume enough protein to keep your muscles and cells healthy, your body will have no choice but to break down those muscles in order to obtain the nutrients you require.

The smaller your muscle mass, the slower your metabolism, which might lead to weight gain over time.

Consume protein-rich meals like chicken breast, organic tofu, and turkey to keep your metabolism healthy.

14. You Are in a Stressful Job

It’s possible that your overbearing supervisor is to blame for your growing waistline circumference.

The stressful nature of your job leads your body to create cortisol, which causes belly fat to accumulate.

Cortisol elevation might cause hunger sensations by raising blood glucose levels.

Unused blood glucose is also stored as fat.

Discuss your work schedule with your employer or come to the office early when no one is around and plan for the day’s duties.

15. You’re Taking Prescription Drugs

You use a range of drugs, including birth control pills and beta-blockers, which might cause your waistline to expand.

Some medications increase your hunger while others slow down your metabolism. Noncompliance with therapy has sometimes resulted in weight concerns.

Some medicines, particularly those used to treat the common cold, might make you drowsy and weak, making it impossible to exercise.

Take notice of this.

Don’t stop taking your dose if you think it’s causing you to gain weight.

Instead, speak with your doctor and request an alternate medication that has no weight-related side effects.


Most individuals want to seem athletic, so they train out for a few hours each week and follow a diet to stay in shape.

However, some circumstances, such as thyroid disease, medication, and aging, might make it difficult to acquire a slim figure.

You can also control some factors, such as not getting enough sleep or shopping with a basket.

You must understand that you are the only one who can manage your weight through your lifestyle choices.

If you follow the advice above, you could just get the physique you’ve always desired.

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