The 10 Best Ways to Support Your Depressed Partner

Understanding mental health may be challenging, especially if you’re not the one experiencing it.

It may be exhausting to be in a relationship with a depressed person. You could even have to deal with some of your own mental health issues as a result of it.

To better take care of ourselves, it’s critical to comprehend the struggles others face. Here is a list of things you can do for both you and your spouse to reduce the stress and stigma associated with mental health.

1. Learn about their struggles by doing some research.

There are a lot of symptoms associated with depression that I wasn’t aware of. My lover struggled with his rage, felt guilty and unworthy, retreated, and struggled to understand his feelings for me. Your relationship will be simpler the sooner you conduct your homework and put things into perspective. The two of you will gain from realizing how difficult routine activities are. Some of the expectations will be lowered as a result, giving your spouse more flexibility to concentrate entirely on their health.

2. If they are depressed, let them know you are there for them.

I pondered what I might do at night to put my partner at peace. Then, one day, I asked him directly what he wanted from me. He merely required my assurance that I was there for him. People who are depressed may lose their sense of self-worth and believe they are unworthy of affection. Your spouse may feel like a failure for attempting to fulfill your wants and happiness in the relationship, which may feel like a job. Show him that you are patient and that he is not a burden. Keep in mind that he wants to be happy and that none of this is his fault. Tell them you’re all in this together, and offer to help with small jobs to demonstrate your willingness to do so.

3. Respect their right to privacy and don’t force them to open up.

It took my partner many months to have the guts to ask for assistance. He has always detested physicians and avoided all visits. But I felt it was vital to refrain from asking him several questions about his session when he eventually spoke to someone. Even while communication and trust are the foundation of a relationship, there are some things that should be kept secret. Although every relationship is unique, books and movies romanticize what a relationship should be like. By relieving them of the obligation to share, you may give your spouse the privacy of their own ideas. A hug or other display of affection may occasionally speak volumes.

4. It’s not your fault; don’t take anything personally.

My boyfriend’s detachment caused many restless nights and teary eyes. I had no idea that he was pushing me away so as not to damage me. He didn’t want me in the line of fire since he was aware that ultimately he would blow. Keep in mind that your spouse is not purposely trying to injure you. Though sadness obscures their thinking and leaves little room for anything else, it may seem as though your companion doesn’t care and isn’t paying attention. It might be challenging to resist the temptation to believe that you’ve done something wrong or that he no longer loves you, but keeping in mind that this is all part of the process is helpful.

5. Providing him with space will prevent him from distancing himself.

It would have prevented many disagreements if I could go back in time and tell myself to give my partner the time and space he required. He became aloof due to depression, which left me wanting more of him. I believed it was my duty to pursue him and insist that he speak with me. I had no idea that it was merely making things worse. I believed that by suffocating him with my wants, our relationship would improve. Your spouse needs time to recover, which they may find challenging if they have to make sure you’re happy. It’s best to let them approach you at times.

6. Ask your friends if they have suffered from depression.

When my boyfriend’s depression initially began, we were both in college. Fortunately, I was surrounded by all of my closest friends at home, so I could chat with them, process the situation, and have a good weep. It was significantly more beneficial to have one of the girls who had had mental health issues while in a committed relationship. I still call those females now to discuss the matter. It is comforting to know that you are making the correct decision and that it is perfectly acceptable to feel guilty and self-centered for wanting your spouse to resolve the situation as soon as possible. You might find it beneficial to get counseling for yourself as well.

7. Remind him of your love.

There are times when you feel as though you are falling further into a black hole with no way out. It might be difficult to understand how you two can get through the circumstance, and you could even start to doubt your partnership. When you’re coping with a spouse who has depression, it’s totally normal to feel lonely. I made a list of the things that attracted me to my lover and wrote down some of our sweet and amusing moments together. I typed everything into an email and forwarded it to him. My lover became more attentive and apologized for his lack of communication, however, it was only a temporary remedy. This not only serves as a reminder of who your lover really is, but it will also convince them of their deservingness of your love.

8. Choose your conflicts wisely

It took me a very long time to understand that depressive desires to get furious are a sign. My lover would get angry about little things. Therefore, anytime I voiced a complaint about how our relationship had altered, he would get nasty and defensive very fast. Knowing every depressive symptom can help you understand why your spouse changed. It’s vital to remember that although things may be different today, they won’t always be that way. Attempt to have a cheerful attitude, be clear about your intentions and fight the impulse to become defensive because doing so will only backfire.

9. Keep your thoughts to a minimum.

My boyfriend’s sadness frequently left me feeling alone, bewildered, and overpowered. He seemed to entirely change from the person I fell in love with as a result of it. People who are close to someone who is depressed experience anxiety and begin to doubt all of their relationships. It’s not simple, though, and virtually every day I built myself up to the point of emotional collapse. It is much easier to persevere, though, just knowing that this is a typical process and that others are experiencing the same nervous feelings.

10. Take a walk by yourself outside.

Relationships, according to what we are told, are all about doing things together and being attached at the hip. But that is improbable. If one of you is depressed, it becomes even more unrealistic. We had already made plans to go see my family when my partner was initially diagnosed with serious depression. He suddenly didn’t feel like putting on a grin and chit-chatting. When your spouse doesn’t want to spend time with you, it might be painful, but it’s crucial to let them know that you’ll be okay without them. By relieving them of the burden of being in charge of your social life and happiness, you may free up time for self-care while your spouse works on themselves.

While therapy and counseling are excellent approaches to improving mental health, your partner’s problems can recur. It might be challenging to experience ups and downs on a regular basis but keep in mind that this is simply a disease and not who they are.

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