Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer: Seeking Justice for Our Elders

Legal Recourse

When abuse gets identified, legal avenues exist for intervention and justice. A specialized elder abuse lawyer can guide you through criminal complaints, civil remedies, and potential grounds for lawsuits.

Signs to Watch Out For

Physical Signs

Unexplained Injuries or Bruises: Random injuries such as cuts, bruises, or fractures could indicate physical abuse or neglect. Always ask for an explanation and follow up diligently if the explanations seem far-fetched.

Bedsores and Infections: These suggest a lack of proper care and could signify neglect by the nursing home staff. Bedsores can quickly escalate into severe health conditions if not addressed swiftly.

Signs of Over-medication or Sedation: Drowsiness, slurred speech, or disorientation may not always be a result of an elder’s medical condition. They could also be signs of deliberate over-medication.

2 thoughts on “Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer: Seeking Justice for Our Elders”

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