Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer: Seeking Justice for Our Elders

Prevalence and Reporting

Abuse can be committed by anyone—family members, friends, healthcare providers, or nursing home staff. Statistics suggest that elder abuse is far more common than reported; in fact, for every case reported, as many as five cases may go unreported.

Complexity Due to Cognitive Impairment

The intricacies of elder abuse escalate when cognitive impairments like dementia or Alzheimer’s are involved. In these cases, the elders may not be aware of the abuse or may not be able to report it.

Impacts on Health and Wellbeing

The abuse doesn’t just inflict physical or emotional pain. It can lead to chronic health problems, severe psychological distress, and at times, even death. It dramatically undermines the quality of life that the elderly should be enjoying in their golden years.

2 thoughts on “Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer: Seeking Justice for Our Elders”

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