Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants A Divorce

No way back

After she sent the photo, Chloe took another good look at it. She looked good and couldn’t believe that she wasn’t being offered more modeling jobs. In the past, she even had to reject them because she no longer had time for new jobs… Then suddenly she noticed a detail that shocked her.

“Oh no!” Chloe exclaimed loudly, her eyes fixed on her phone in the living room. She had just spotted something that she knew would upset John. Frantically, she tapped away at the keyboard of her cellphone, trying to send a message, but then the screen abruptly went black. Her battery had died at the worst possible moment.

With a sinking feeling in her stomach, Chloe realized that John would soon land and see the photograph she had intended to send him. She felt a wave of worry wash over her, knowing that he might be upset by what he saw. Chloe desperately wished she could explain before he saw it, but it seemed like she wouldn’t have the chance.

There was no going back…

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