Husband Receives Photo From His Wife, Then Immediately Wants A Divorce

The condition:

After they had gone to the movies together, John decided to tell Chloe about his condition. He only hoped she took it correctly, because he had no bad intentions. He trusted her, yet something didn’t feel right for him. Accepting his condition would provide him with great peace of mind.

“I want to talk to you about something,” John said, drawing Chloe’s attention. “Before we make any decisions about living together, there’s something I’d like to discuss,” he said. Chloe listened closely, intrigued about John’s thoughts. Although she wasn’t sure what he was going to ask, she was anxious to please him and thrilled at the possibility of sharing a home with him.

The prospect of moving in together excited her, and she couldn’t wait to begin this new chapter of their life. So she nodded, ready to hear John’s plea and willing to do whatever it took to keep them happy together.

Still, John’s condition came as quite a shock to the professional model…

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