It is difficult to stay motivated to work out and eat healthily.

There’s always something more essential to do, something entertaining to watch on Netflix, and something great to eat again.

All of those Instagram ideas and YouTube workout videos aren’t helping either; in fact, they’re downright unpleasant.

So, how can you continue to exercise and eat healthily when there are other alternatives available?

What is the solution?

Motivation comes and goes; thus we must maintain it on a daily basis. Learn how to keep motivated with your fitness regimen and good eating habits in this article.

How to Remain Motivated to Exercise and Eat Healthily! Fitness Motivation / Workout Motivation

I shouldn’t have eaten that whole pizza for supper; I’m so fat and bloated. I’m going to work out tomorrow and just drink lemon water…

Tomorrow arrives…

Wait for it…

The same thing.

At my work, I had coffee, raced out, and a doughnut.

Motivation is a negative force. It comes to whisper in your ear at night and then leaves in the morning because it has more important things to accomplish.

You’re seduced and abandoned, so you do what you’ve always done. Pretend nothing occurred and go on as usual.


Motivation will return, but you may have to seek a little harder for it. Motivation is similar to cleanliness in that it must be practiced on a daily basis. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.


Exercise and a healthy diet should be two of the most natural things in the world. People have been doing it for thousands of years. Whether motivated or not.

We’ve reached a situation where it’s simpler to contact someone abroad than it is to go on a trek. Needing the motivation to exercise and eat well is a luxury that we are unaware of.

What do you do on a typical day?

Wake up, get ready, grab a coffee and something easy carb to eat, travel to work, and then spend 8–10 hours in front of a computer. Then go back home or go out and spend the whole night staring at your phone while munching chips. Obviously, my life is fairly fantastic. We got here thanks to evolution.

From what I recall, this was a routine day for my grandparents.

Get up early, feed the chickens, send the goats on their daily journey, clean the home, do A LOT of garden work, eat something fresh from the garden, do some fieldwork, clean some more, feed the hens again, milk them, cook, and so much more.

This nearly seems like a dream to me today. It’s hardly rocket science, but I don’t know how to do half of the things my grandmother and everyone else her age did so effectively. I can’t knit, and if I tried to sew a button on a blouse, it would come off in an hour.


My grandparents’ options were restricted. To live, they needed to be outside, active, and create their own food. Because that’s all they had, they ate salads and fruits. They didn’t have the luxury of needing motivation.


We’re virtually compelled not to move, and eating at McDonald’s is much more motivating than cooking for yourself. After all, a cheeseburger is less expensive than a salad, requires less time and effort, fills you up, and tastes good.


In a world where we are inundated with apparently unlimited, simpler options, we must maintain our focus on what is essential and beneficial to us. Purchasing Oreo cookies is not as simple as purchasing a bag of raw almonds. Who, though, does this? Some individuals. People who understand how fortunate they are to have a choice. They have control over what they do with their bodies and the food they ingest. So why not make the best decision possible?

I certainly stray off course from time to time, but I always know how to get back on track. And I’m certain I’ll return. Here are my favorite ideas for staying on track with exercise and eating healthily in the long run.

Fitness motivation — how to keep yourself motivated to work out and eat healthily! If you can’t seem to find fitness motivation or drive to lose weight and eat properly, keep these five things in mind… These are small mental tweaks that may make a big difference!



I’ve always heard that your morning may define the rest of your day, but I thought it was a load of nonsense. Please accept my apologies for this phrase (I’m such a lady).

Getting up early and beginning the day with a pleasant thought may make a significant impact. It may help you stay to the healthy behaviors you want to cultivate, among other things.

Mine is an intention, and it runs as follows:

Today, I want to feel wonderful in my own skin.

But it does the job. I didn’t simply say, “I want to feel nice.” “I want to feel good in my body,” I said. And I mentioned it today. This means that I want to make the best decisions for my health throughout the day. If I only say, “I want to feel well today…” I also feel wonderful when watching a movie and eating pizza. But it’s not healthy for my body. If I just declare I want to feel well in my body… This might be years in the future, or whenever I get abs. That was much too lengthy. I could start making better choices tomorrow or the next day…no there’s a time limit. But today is today.

Here’s another way that this purpose might help:

Every day, I pause over a million things because I have so many options. Making healthy decisions becomes easy when I retain this concept as my aim throughout the day. It enables me to:

consume the proper foods.

not to overeat

not eat late at night

Drink plenty of water.

I’m going to stretch at my desk.

Instead of driving or taking the train, walk home.

The goal is to have this thinking in mind at all times. Then, for the most part, you make the better decision.

First and foremost, DO THE RIGHT THING.

Doing the right thing first has always worked wonderfully for me. I also mentioned it here. When I sit down to eat, I start with the veggies. If I’m tired of sitting on the sofa after 8 hours in front of the computer, I go for a walk. I set a timer for 5 minutes. This leads to lengthier walks and, more importantly, not watching TV that evening. I don’t make promises to myself that I won’t eat anything unhealthy or watch TV; instead, I concentrate on doing the right thing first.


I usually perform 10 minutes of exercise after that happy thinking in the morning — it’s my favorite part of my daily routine. These 10 minutes help me maintain my workout routine, especially on days when I don’t have time or am stressed. It helps me feel better, calmer, more focused, and more prepared for the day ahead. Plus, after just ten minutes, I generally feel so amazing that I want to do much more. Then I go ahead and do it.


I’m not a huge lover of meal prep since I despise leftovers, but keeping things as basic and natural as possible helps me remain on track. I simply don’t purchase junk anymore. Do you recall this smoothie bowl? I would have eaten the ice cream if I had it at home. Because I didn’t, I prepared the smoothie bowl, which was fantastic. After that, I had no regrets or urges. It just took me 5 minutes.

Cooking healthily takes little effort, and if you do yourself a favor and keep processed foods out of the way, it’s much simpler to eat healthy most of the time. Take some fruit and nuts with you to work and on the move — these items are healthful, need little preparation, and will keep you on track if you do the right thing initially.


You’ll never want to undertake anything difficult and unpleasant. That is unaffected by time or advancement. Look for tasks that are difficult yet make you happy.

Something that will make you proud that you completed it.

I used to believe that exercise should only feel nice when you’re done, but I’ve since learned that it shouldn’t. There have been many moments in the past when I despised the exercises I undertook, which finally led to my discontinuation of exercise completely. Exercise should be pleasurable. It’s not easy, but it’s nice.

For example, I despise HIIT with all my heart (high-intensity interval training). I do it sometimes because I want to mix things up, but I don’t enjoy doing it on a regular basis.

If I declare I’m going to do HIIT three times a week to burn more fat, I’ll be uncomfortable and stop. Dance exercises, yoga, barre, Pilates, and even jogging feel fantastic to me (very rarely). So, I change things up.

Food is the same way. Smoothies are nutritious. But in June and July, I simply wasn’t in the mood for smoothies. So, I ate more salads because I couldn’t stop eating them. I enjoy strawberry smoothies now that I’m back in the mood for them.

Make certain that you do something because you like it (at least).

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