Okay, if you’re worried because you don’t know how to lose 10 pounds in a month,

I’ll be a decent person and share 5 things I’ve done in the past that have helped me lose weight anytime I needed it and will help you too… IF, of course, you use them. They do not function if you just read them.

So, whether you’re going on vacation, to a wedding, or if you saw a photo of yourself eating pizza and didn’t look like Giselle, relax — go through them, see what you can do and what you can do less of to lose weight. In any case, time will pass.

There were several occasions in my life when I needed to shed 10 pounds in a month, a week, or even an hour.

Was I a success? Yes, no, and no.

Because you must be mad if you want to shed 10 pounds in a week or an hour. (Not brilliant — INSANE). But ten pounds in one month? That’s sufficient. It’s better to do it in a month than never.

I’ve done it before, and it works every time — no miracles required. I was just following through on ideas that I felt would work.

Now. If you’re searching for a very practical, fail-safe strategy to lose 10 pounds in a month, I, the belly fat queen, am here to help!

10 pounds isn’t a lot of weight to lose, and you can accomplish it if you put your mind to it! Applying these strategies for a month will result in the fat falling off your tummy. So, why not just do it?



Allow someone else to have the green smoothies and croissants topped with little doughnuts.

You need something simple like oatmeal right now — top it with some fruit and almonds and you’ll be satisfied till lunch. If you’re looking for something Savoury, an avocado and egg toast would be a great option.


You’ll be amazed by how seldom you’re hungry. When you go for water first instead of food, you discover you nearly never eat because you’re hungry. You’re eating because it’s there, or because you’re bored. Or they’re dehydrated.

Keeping water with you at all times is a simple strategy that can help you avoid getting dehydrated like a lizard all day, every day. Get a big water bottle, fill it up, and make it a habit to remain hydrated. This little modification can make you feel more energized and lighter — take advantage of it!


Get moving and exercise every day, or at least 4–5 days each week. 30 minutes is plenty, but make sure you are SWEATING. Sweating it out will also make you happy and drive you to do it again TOMORROW, which is critical in this situation.

I had ceased performing ANY exercise around two years ago. I was just sluggish, sitting all day and watching TV at night. I didn’t gain weight, but my chin had quadrupled, my arms were jiggly, my belly was overflowing nicely over the waistline, and I felt out of place. There is no focus, and everything is simply bland.

Then I became preoccupied. I stopped watching TV in the evening and signed up for some Pilates, Zumba and Yoga classes and additionally did basketball once a week. I felt more active and concentrated (I’m not sure about yoga but try playing basketball without being present — it hurts!). AND. Within a week, my friends and colleagues began telling me how my face had thinned and how much weight I had dropped. You can imagine how satisfying this was.

Exercise is not the only thing you need to do to lose weight, but it is a HUGE HELP when it comes to losing weight. Take things at your own pace: if you need to walk, walk; if walking is too difficult, try seated exercises; there is always a way.


We’ve all heard that low-carb diets would convert you into a slender robot with a lot of energy in a week. Low-carb diets are also beneficial to your health, according to research. Low-carb diets are suggested for weight loss, inflammation reduction, and acne treatment…there is no mystery here.

But, if you’re like me and can’t always keep to a low-carb diet, stop eating carbohydrates after 3.

Hugh Jackman, the original Wolverine, gave me this tip. (Disclaimer: I’ve never met him and have no intention of looking like him since I’m a lady who likes to gaze at him when she’s bored…)

He stated his best piece of advice for getting in shape for X-Men was to avoid carbohydrates after 3 p.m. Okay, Wolverine, I’ll do everything you tell me to.

So, of course, I tested it before, and it works! Eat all of your carbohydrates (grains, legumes, fruit, and snacks) before 3 p.m., and then do the low-carb thing after that. There’s no reason to enter ketosis; it won’t make you a better person. But, as tragic as it may seem, there will be no spaghetti or pizza for supper this month.

If you don’t fully avoid carbohydrates after 3 p.m., at least be cautious and don’t overdo it. For example, I may add some quinoa or chickpeas to my salad, but not as much as I normally do (I have pizza, pasta & bread WAY too often for dinner).

5. END AT 5 P.M.

In all of the research I’ve done, I got this suggestion from a TV episode I saw ten years ago.

After 5 p.m., avoid eating.

Some argue that not eating beyond a certain hour is excessive — calories in, calories out…

However, it worked for me. I dropped 4 pounds in two weeks and adored waking up with a flat tummy, which had never occurred before.

I’ve heard about intermittent fasting, and you’ve probably heard of it as well…

But, if you’re anything like me, you probably save all of your meals for later in the evening anyhow. And what is the end result of all of this?


You grow weary and then go to bed, unable to digest all of the food you just ate.

So, if you want to reduce weight, you need to adjust your eating habits. You may eat till 5 p.m.

If you are unable to do so, try till 7 p.m. This will give you ample time to digest and sleep well.

5 p.m. has always worked well for me. I was hungry for the first two nights, but I felt and slept better after that.


The reality is that even if you simply do these activities for a week or two, you will see some results. You will drop the 10 pounds if you do this for a month. That’s fantastic, but what comes next? What if you want to maintain your weight loss? Or to lose even more?

That’s right: you need to develop good habits and break negative ones. To do so, you must first determine what works and what does not. Because let’s face it, we all lie to ourselves from time to time. It is very beneficial to utilize a fitness planner such as this one since it allows you to monitor your behaviors, establish goals, plan, and remain responsible. It will truly open your eyes. When you have the data, it’s easy to identify which behaviors need to be improved. And what you’re good at.

For example, if I don’t track my workouts, I’m very sure I worked out 5 times last week. Reality? Twice a day for ten minutes. Then I’m puzzled as to why I can’t perform a pull-up.

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