How to boost metabolism 3 things that help

I’ve finally completed this helpful post on how to increase metabolism.

It took me a long time because I wanted to combine all of the science-based material from many sources with my own personal experience.

The problem is that women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) have a slower metabolism at first, making weight reduction even more difficult. It always felt unfair to me when other females lived the same lifestyle as me but were able to lose weight effortlessly while I struggled to drop even a pound.

It took years of researching my issue and trying new methods to figure out why I suffered so much with my weight. Unfortunately, PCOS contributes significantly to weight gain. One of the key reasons for this is a sluggish metabolism.

In any case, there are things you may do to speed up your metabolism and begin losing weight. So don’t be concerned; everything will be OK. Let’s get down to business!

How metabolism works

It’s crucial to understand what slow metabolism is and how it works before diving into how to remedy it.

Your metabolism controls how quickly your body consumes the energy you consume from meals (measured in calories) each day. To put it another way, metabolism refers to your ability to burn calories.

If your metabolism is sluggish or weak, the energy you consume from your meals begins to be stored as fat.

You must realize that metabolism is a broad phrase. Basal metabolic rate, non-exercise adaptive thermogenesis, and exercise are the three components.

The number of calories your body burns only to be alive, or the amount of energy it takes for your organs and systems to function effectively, is known as basal metabolic rate (BMR). As you can see, calorie-burning doesn’t simply happen when you exercise — it happens every minute of every day as a result of chemical and physical processes that take place inside your body.

You may calculate your BMR using an online calculator.

The amount of energy you burn while non-exercising tasks like doing laundry, cooking, or working on a computer are known as non-exercise adaptive thermogenesis (NEAT). That implies that, in addition to working exercise, it’s critical to keep active and mobile in order to maintain a healthy metabolism.

These calculations will help you figure out how many calories you burn each day and how to start losing weight by creating a caloric deficit.

Finally, exercise aids in the burning of more calories and the acceleration of metabolism. That is why, if you want to have a healthy, strong physique, you must incorporate regular workouts into your plan.

What slows down metabolism

Low-calorie diets

Calorie restriction does, in fact, dramatically slow metabolism. Your metabolic rate will slow down if you severely restrict calories for an extended length of time. As a result, weight reduction and maintenance become more challenging. Over the course of a few days, calorie restriction reduces thyroid production and function. Hard dieting also puts your body in a stress condition, releasing too much cortisol.

The best thing to do is to stay away from severe diets and hunger since they will have the opposite impact on what you want.

Even if it takes longer, a well-balanced diet will provide you with consistent results. When you’re trying to lose weight, exercise can also aid to speed up your metabolism. All of this will be discussed in more detail later in this essay.


It’s critical that as you get older, your metabolism slows and you can’t burn fat as rapidly as you used to, causing your body to gain weight more readily. Your muscle mass reduces as well, slowing down your calorie-burning rate. An inherent deficiency of oestrogen receptors in the brain allowed people to gain weight without eating extra calories, according to research. To deal with this, you must eat healthily and improve your physical activity.

Hormonal imbalances

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, hypothyroidism, and other diseases are examples. The hormones that your body generates might affect how you digest meals. Women with PCOS have a slower metabolic rate than other women.


Cortisol is a natural steroid that slows metabolism and can lead to weight gain, especially in the stomach area. Increased cortisol levels can also drive you to overeat, which leads to you acquiring extra weight.

Aside from that, your genes have a variety of effects on your metabolism.

What boosts metabolism

1. High-protein healthy diet

Yes, I’m sure I’ve mentioned protein consumption in every post on this site. But, wow, it’s crucial! I don’t believe that everyone requires a high protein diet. However, if you’re dealing with hormone imbalances, irrational cravings, or sluggish metabolism, it might be a lifesaver. Furthermore, even as a vegetarian, you may consume a high-protein diet. So, why not select this method of eating?

So, how might protein aid in metabolic enhancement? Simple. It has a stronger thermic impact than fats or carbohydrates, meaning it requires more energy to absorb and digest. Protein also aids muscular growth when paired with regular weight exercise. This also helps to improve metabolic rate.

Check out my post “How to Burn Fat Fast” to understand how much protein you need to lose weight.

Although the metabolic rate lowers after weight reduction and continues to slow throughout weight maintenance, data shows that consuming more protein can counteract this impact.

Beans, lentils, tempeh, greens, seeds, almonds, and eggs are all excellent sources of protein. I demonstrate what items to consume to acquire at least 20 grams of protein with every meal in the article “How to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau.” Take a look!

Another vitamin that takes longer to digest and might boost your BMR is fiber. Flax seeds, chia seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, peas, and artichokes are the finest sources of fiber.

In general, the best strategy to enhance metabolism is to eat well-balanced meals, avoid processed and sugary foods, and stick to foods with a low glycemic index.

You may obtain my free 7-day Meal Plan, which includes low-carb, high-protein vegetarian meals to help you balance hormones and lose weight.

What else can help you speed up your metabolism?

It is said that breaking up large meals into smaller ones is good. Instead of eating three meals a day (or perhaps two or one), consider eating four to five smaller meals throughout the day. According to a recent study, eating in this manner boosts metabolism and improves weight reduction in those with PCOS.

I can’t speak for everyone, but it seemed to work for me. I eat three big meals a day, with hearty snacks in between. I don’t like snacking too much since it makes me think about food all the time, which is bothersome. However, I require at least two snacks.

Another way to enhance your metabolism is to practice carb (and calorie) cycling. This essentially implies that every other day, you modify the number of carbohydrates (calories) you consume. Let’s assume you consume 1200 calories and 70 grams of carbohydrates one day, then 1400 calories and 100 grams of carbohydrates the next day, and so on. This mechanism keeps your metabolism from slowing down and can help you break past a weight-loss plateau.

One more suggestion! Make sure you get enough vitamin D since insufficient amounts might cause your metabolism to slow down. If you have PCOS, you should certainly consider using this vitamin. For women with hormonal disorders, obtaining it via diet and sunbathing may not be enough. So go ahead and try it!

2. HIIT & building muscles

It’s no surprise that regular exercise may help you lose weight. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and heavy lifting are also good options for this.

These exercises increase your heart rate while also strengthening your muscles. Furthermore, the more muscles you have, the more calories you burn during the day. To put it another way, your metabolic rate is rising.

Lifting bigger weights with fewer repetitions is the most successful strategy (6–10 reps). It will enable you to develop your muscles. Lifting weights isn’t for everyone, of course. There are various contraindications that you should be aware of.

Weight exercise can boost your metabolism and enhance insulin sensitivity by strengthening your arms, legs, and booty.

If you work out at home, I recommend utilising kettlebells (or dumbbells) and resistance bands. Even if you are not permitted to lift weights, resistance bands can help you grow muscle. For example, I use them on the floor for several leg and booty workouts.

You must exercise more every day in addition to your fitness programme. You burn more calories the more active you are. Sedentary behaviour might be one of the primary causes of a sluggish metabolism. Because you don’t expend enough energy, your body adapts to the fact that you don’t require much. Unfortunately, many people’s lifestyles revolve mostly around sitting at work, which can negatively impact metabolic rate and general health.

It’s simpler to say than to accomplish. I completely understand. I used to work in front of a computer for almost 10 hours a day. And I still spend a lot of time like that. You will see improvements if you concentrate on modifying your behaviours.

Getting a standing workstation helped me burn more calories and improve blood circulation in my legs. This elegant, high-quality Artiss Standing Desk is my particular favourite. I have one similar to this, except in white. You can also use this page to look for other options. I just try to increase my NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) by taking more breaks to walk, clean, stretch etc.

The final suggestion is to attempt morning exercises. It might be beneficial to exercise first thing in the morning to enhance metabolism by 10%. (before breakfast, in a fasting state). This routine can also help you burn more fat.

3. Metabolism boosters

Although there is no proof that specific meals can significantly enhance metabolism, they may nevertheless help and provide other health advantages.

  • Cayenne pepper: Because spicy peppers and spices raise your heart rate, they may enhance your metabolic rate significantly. They are also beneficial for lowering inflammation in the body, which aids in weight loss. For an added fat-burning boost, consider adding cayenne pepper, black pepper, turmeric, and ginger to your dishes.
  • Green Tea: Everyone knows that the greatest item to drink while trying to reduce weight is green tea. It doesn’t work like magic, but its high antioxidant content and low-calorie count help with weight loss. Matcha green tea is even better since it is more concentrated and filled with nutrients.
  • Wakame (seaweed): When making sushi rice, I add this excellent flavorful alga. However, because wakame includes fucoxanthin, which boosts DHA synthesis in the liver and lowers bad cholesterol, it can help you burn more fat.
  • B vitamins are necessary for a healthy metabolism. Water-soluble vitamins are required for a variety of metabolic activities. B-12, for instance, breaks down protein and lipids. However, it requires B-6 and folate to function correctly. As a result, all B vitamins are essential. Make sure you’re getting them via food or supplements.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) increases metabolism and decreases inflammation.
  • Make sure you get enough vitamin D and iron, as I recommended earlier in this post. Blood testing can be used to determine whether you have any deficiencies. To maintain things in balance, I prefer to add some fundamental nutrients from time to time.

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