Getting Rid of Belly Fat Is Harder Than You Think — Here’s How to Do It

If you’ve been dieting for what seems like an eternity, but the belly fat just won’t budge,

it’s possible that you’re actually fairly slim but still struggle with some belly fat.

Maybe you want to get rid of all the fat on your body, including belly fat.

In addition to being unsightly, belly fat can damage your health, strain your heart, and even put you at risk of developing heart disease.

A little belly fat won’t hurt you, but too much could be harmful.

You are considered obese if your waist is greater than 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men.

If for no other reason than your health, you must reduce your belly fat.

The challenge with belly fat is that it’s frequently the most difficult area to shed the extra pounds, but the good news is that it is possible! With our tried-and-true advice, you can lose that belly fat and maintain your new, flatter stomach.

1. Exercise

Sorry, but you need to strengthen your abs. Thankfully, it’s easier than you might imagine.

If you can fit in stomach crunches and sit-ups every day, perhaps first thing in the morning or before you go to bed, you’ll start to tone your muscles and that fat will soon turn lean and taut.

Even though doing stomach crunches won’t make you lose weight, they might make you lose inches!

Include some cardio as well; even if you detest working out, brisk walking for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week will help you lose weight.

How about exercise? You can all run, even if all you’ve ever done is run for the bus!

You could try a program like Couch to 5k, which gets you accustomed to running for longer periods of time gradually. By week 9, it will have you running for 30 minutes.

2. Cut Out Sugar

Sugar is the number one enemy of belly fat.

It is the root of extra weight, particularly visceral fat.

You will notice a difference as soon as you stop eating sugar.

We’re discussing all food that contains sugar, not just sugar cubes.

Check the labels, as low-fat and processed foods, for instance, frequently contain a lot of sugar.

Additionally, it can be found in a variety of cereals and fruit-flavored yogurt.

Carbonated drinks should be completely banned because they contain a lot of sugar.

You can consume naturally occurring sugar (fruit contains natural sugar), but you should completely avoid anything that contains sugar, including chewing gum unless it is sugar-free.

3. Water

You might just be bloated because belly fat can occasionally be caused by carrying too much water.

Increase your water intake if you want to stop feeling bloated.

Contrary to popular belief, drinking water helps your lymphatic system function at its best and flush out extra fluid rather than making you feel bloated (along with toxins and impurities).

Give your body a rest by drinking at least 2 liters of water each day.

Always drink a large glass of water before meals because it will help your stomach fill up more quickly and you won’t need as much food. If you’re hungry, you should drink a glass of water rather than reaching for a snack.

Frequently, hunger and thirst are confused.

4. Eat More Protein

A crucial macronutrient for shedding pounds is protein.

You could cut your cravings by up to 60% and increase your metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day by consuming more protein.

However, be cautious in your high-protein food selection.

Lean meat, white fish, eggs, nuts, and legumes should all be consumed.

If you want a hamburger, for instance, avoid adding bread because it is an unnecessary carb that will increase belly fat and refined carbs have been linked to this problem.

See point 5 for more.

5. Cut out the Carbs

Regarding carbohydrates, cutting back on them is one of the most effective ways to lose belly fat, as numerous clinical trials have shown (following on from point 4).

Your appetite will significantly decrease when you cut out carbs from your diet, and you’ll almost certainly lose weight as a result (from your belly and other areas of your body).

A low-carb diet is much more successful at assisting you in losing weight than a low-fat diet because you begin to lose weight almost immediately after eliminating carbohydrates, even though it is mostly water at first.

As mentioned in point 1, you should definitely cut out refined carbohydrates like white bread, white pasta, sweets, and sugar. When combined with a higher protein diet, the difference should be apparent within a week.

If you want to lose weight very quickly, drop your carb intake to only 50 grams a day, this puts your body into Ketosis, where you burn fat for energy (this is the Keto diet and enormously effective) (is the Keto diet and enormously effective).

6. Eat more Fiber

Fiber is fantastic for healthy bowel movements and maintaining regularity.

Fiber is advantageous for weight loss because of this.

It also makes you feel fuller more quickly, but not all fiber is beneficial.

The best fibers for weight loss are soluble and viscous because they bind water, which then turns into a gel and settles in the gut as it passes through the digestive system.

Due to the slower digestion, which makes you feel full, the body benefits by absorbing more nutrients since digestion takes longer.

Vegetables, fruit, legumes, and some high-fiber cereals are the best sources of dietary fiber.

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