Some random views on how to eat properly every day and maintain a healthy diet over time in order to reduce weight, feel good, and be healthy.

Not simply for a certain length of time when adhering to a healthy eating plan or completing a challenge.

Three things I wish someone had informed me about eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. How to Begin Eating Clean and Maintain It Without Going Mad Let’s start with what isn’t a surprise:

Obsessing about healthy eating, superfoods, or dieting is unhealthy.

Actually, I’ve been suffering from this on and off for the past, what, 3–4 years, but I’ll go into more detail in another article.

Today, I’d like to offer three tiny secrets about eating healthily that would have saved me headaches, bloating, and time if I’d known them years, or even weeks ago.

Now, when I say diet, I don’t mean starving myself or calculating nutrients as if I were playing a video game. (- Okay, I have no idea what people do on Nintendo; the only game I ever played was Farmville in 2009, and it sucked, but I was OBSESSED with it.) I mean a healthy manner of eating when I say a healthy diet.

So, let’s see what happens.


Three things I wish someone had informed me about eating well and living a healthy lifestyle. How to Begin Eating Clean and Maintain It Without Going Mad


I told you about the attitude I’ve acquired in order to make the healthier decision the majority of the time. In a nutshell, it means choosing dietary and lifestyle decisions based on how they will make you feel right now, on that specific day, rather than in the future. Not because you’ll look good in a swimming suit this summer or because you’ll have a healthy glow in a month. The post may be found here.

Even if you’re extremely clear about your choices and keep your focus on the way, there will come a moment when you need a chocolate-filled croissant and can’t stop yourself. More than that, you don’t want to fight the need.

And there’s a chocolate-filled croissant. It’s also warm. So, there you have it. After all, it’s not every day that you get to enjoy a warm croissant.

It feels amazing when you eat it.

Then a buddy proposes that you go out for pizza. Let’s let it go today and eat anything you want. How much do you want? Don’t fit folks have cheat days? Let’s give it a go.

Then you eat like it’s your last day for the rest of the day.


I’m not sure why this is true for everyone. But I do that anytime I’m feeling even the tiniest bit guilty about eating anything “bad.” I feel like I’m violating regulations and pushing the boundaries to see if I can keep breaking them without “penalty.”

When I’m not feeling guilty, I can stop at the croissant. I’m completely aware That I’m getting that croissant, and I’m OK with it. There’s no need to make excuses or feel guilty.

But I fulfill my vow to do admirably at the next supper. I forgive, but I’ll never forget that croissant. A complete day is too valuable to squander.

When we look at persons who seem to be athletic and healthy, we notice that they have cheat meals or cheat days. However, we are unable to perceive the whole picture. We don’t notice that the person with abs who just ate a batch of chocolate chip pancakes hasn’t had anything sweet in a week. Or even a month. We don’t keep track of how often they walk, stand, run, or sit on their asses during the day. Most likely not for 10 hours a day. We also don’t know how much they sleep. And we don’t get to see how they really feel.

Take a step back and look at the larger picture in your own life. If you want the croissant, go ahead and grab it, but make sure you also get your vegetables.


So the issue with keeping a healthy diet and lifestyle isn’t that you’d eat chocolate chip pancakes for the morning. Throughout the day, it is what you do next.

In my experience, when I am anxious, I tend to think, “Screw it, I need to deal with this unpleasant item ASAP, I can’t eat properly right now.” “Goodbye, salad.”

Then I eat chips, pizza, and drink coffee…

and then some more of it

Take a step back and recognize that you are responsible for many things but not for everything, whether it be your career, family, or relationships. You are solely accountable for the things over which you have control. Get your act together, take action, and let go of the need to control everything and everyone. Allow everything else to take its natural course. Because let’s face it, it’ll happen regardless.


I know some people despise salads; I read stories about them all the time.

“Here are 700 non-salad healthful dishes.” How to eat healthily even if you despise salad, and how to make a salad genuinely appetizing…”

I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household that ate salads. True, the salad was always the same: cucumbers, tomatoes, and onions, and it was always served as a side dish, but there was always a salad. This salad was usually served with grilled chicken and BREAD, or any other meat and bread. And when I say bread, I don’t mean a smidgeon.

Salads are wonderful in my opinion. I don’t need to cook; I just chop things up and toss them in a dish with olive oil, salt, and sometimes vinegar. It’s simple to customize the taste and flavor, and there’s no need for meal preparation.

But, you know, when I go out to dine, I don’t want to have a salad. After all, I’m going out to dine. It must be something significant and one-of-a-kind. Something that will make me happy.

So, two weeks ago, at 10 p.m., I grabbed a giant fat burger thinking I REALLY wanted it and that if I didn’t have it, I’d be losing out and regretting it.

When the burger arrived, I took one bite and decided that was enough.

It wasn’t really tasty, but I felt compelled to shove it down my throat (my parents married young and didn’t have much money, so I’ve been trained my whole life not to leave anything on the plate).

Walking after that burger was a huge accomplishment for me, and I couldn’t sleep that night. The following morning, I awoke puffy and unable to exercise, work, or do anything. It seemed like a waste of time. All I wanted was coffee and to go hide someplace till the torment was done.

I should have ordered the salad. I say that all the time, and I do it 60% of the time. Here’s to achieving 80%.

I know it seems depressing to go out to dinner and order simply a salad. Every time I saw a female on a date with a man who was eating a steak and she was eating a sad-looking salad, I felt terrible for her. You can eat if you have any self-respect.

But, you know, she’s correct.

If you want to feel well and not simply give in to desires, a salad is much superior to a steak or burger. It may not always seem to be the thing you desire at first, but it is always the superior decision and tastes far better.

These are the three things I hope someone had informed me about eating well a long time ago. But, on the other hand, would I have listened? Probably not, since I’m a stubborn person.

If you’re one of the fortunate people who actually listen to excellent advice, I hope you will find this article useful!

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