How to remove banana rolls’ fat

There are some places in our body that stubbornly acquire fat and become unsightly.

Banana rolls, for example, are fat under the buttocks. If you’re not familiar with the term, banana rolls refer to the fat folds (pockets) that form immediately behind your buttocks. They provide the appearance of droopy, untrained glutes, which are often unattractive. It’s more aggravating when you work out frequently and have a healthy body. But those obstinate folds refuse to go!

Also, banana roll fat appears not only when you are overweight, but also when you are relatively thin. The fold might be seen solely under one buttock, or it can be seen under both buttocks if there are multiple.

The cause of this problem is pretty simple: weak buttocks and back muscles. To lose the banana roll fat, you’ll need to take a multi-pronged strategy that includes proper diet, at-home treatments, and, most importantly, the appropriate workouts to target this issue area.

It is also necessary to lose weight if you are overweight. You may lose weight by combining food and exercise to create a daily calorie deficit. Please read my post “How to Burn Fat Fast” for my greatest fat-loss advice.

But in this essay, I’ll talk about banana roll fat beneath the buttocks and how to get rid of it as much as possible. I’ll also show you some of the techniques I utilised to make this region seem better.

Diet to remove banana roll fat

If you want to get rid of banana roll fat, follow a low-calorie, nutritious diet.

You don’t need to come up with anything new; simply follow the general guidelines: eat more protein and fewer carbohydrates; avoid flour and sweet foods in your diet; drink at least two litres of clean water every day; eat frequently and in small portions; eat plenty of vegetables and fruits; don’t overeat; and get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger.

Download my free booklet “How to Start Eating Healthy” from the right sidebar of this site for additional information on clean eating for weight reduction.

Check out my online course where I share my personal 30-day belly fat-burning strategy!

Again, if you want to tone your butt, you must consume adequate protein. I like high-quality vegan protein powder that is also simple to digest. Tropeaka and Womensbest are now my favourite brands because of the ingredients and flavour.

So, after my workout, I normally create a protein drink. Protein powder, almond milk, berries, and frozen mango/pineapple are all included. You may use any ingredients you like, as long as they are low in calories and fat.

Exercises to remove banana rolls’ fat

Dieting is fantastic for general fat reduction, but you won’t see much of a difference in your banana rolls if you don’t do any toning activities. Because sagging muscles are the primary source of this issue, you should concentrate on strengthening your glutes and hamstrings.

You can rapidly get rid of banana fat rolls once you understand why they form in the first place (albeit it won’t be simple). The glute muscles connect the hamstring muscle on the back of your legs under your buttocks in the under buttocks region. This specific region may be strengthened to elevate the booty and minimise the look of banana rolls. When your hamstrings are toned and muscular, you may also notice that cellulite and saddlebags are less evident. Furthermore, lean muscle mass is incredibly attractive.

So the key to losing banana roll fat behind the buttocks is WEIGHT LIFTING. However, there isn’t much of a secret, haha. But if you want to have fantastic outcomes, that’s something I want you to concentrate on.

You can exercise at home or in a gym. Simply ensure that you have weights or at the very least resistance bands. To achieve your objectives, you must work hard and lift large weights, beginning with 15kg. You may, of course, use smaller weights and increase the reps. When you go heavy, though, you will see a significant change much sooner.

I’d like to emphasise that certain workouts are significantly more helpful than others. As a consequence, I’ll only discuss the ones that had the best observable outcomes. Don’t squander your time and energy on activities that don’t directly lead to your objectives. Work intelligently rather than harder.

Since I started performing a lot of hamstring workouts, I’ve seen a significant improvement in my banana roll fat! When you work out your glutes directly, you strengthen your booty and make it rounder, but working out your hamstrings enhances the bottom section of your glutes.

Remember to complete some butt activation exercises before each session for optimum results. You may look them up on the internet or on YouTube. Bodyweight lunges, donkey kicks, and other basic warm-up exercises are usually used.

Many people benefit from walking/sprinting on an inclination on the treadmill, so if you have time after your primary session, feel free to add some additional activities.

Let’s examine what workouts you should perform to lose weight in your banana rolls:

Walking lunges


Single-leg deadlift

Bulgarian squats

Glute lifts

Glute bridge

These are the most important workouts for losing banana roll fat. When done regularly and with increasing resistance/reps with time, they are incredibly effective.

I’m afraid I can’t provide you with specific advice on how many times you should do it. It all depends on your fitness level and weight. The greatest strategy is to pay attention to your body. During the workout, your muscles should be on fire, so you should feel them working and expanding.

After my workout, I prefer to feel pain in this area the next day. On days like this, I consume a lot of protein and try to get enough rest so that my muscles can recuperate and strengthen. I’ll try to push my muscles again the following time to see how far I’ve progressed. My butt is quite obstinate. That’s why I have to put a lot of effort into exercising and paying attention to the mind-muscle connection.

Anyway, be patient! Consistency is essential. The initial benefits are usually seen after just one month of consistent training (3–4 times a week of a leg workout). Your development will be determined by the intensity of your workouts as well as your physical condition. Don’t be impatient or frustrated. Simply keep going. And sooner or later, the findings will appear.

Massage and treatments

As I previously stated, the most efficient approaches to losing banana roll fat are to eat well and exercise regularly. However, adding certain treatments like massage to these procedures can improve their efficacy.

To enhance your butt shape, you may wish to exfoliate and cleanse your skin. Natural coffee scrub is one of my favourites. I normally get the cheapest ground coffee and store it in a container in my bathroom. I apply it all over my legs after I shower, taking extra care of my buttocks and the crease under my buttocks. Improve the blood circulation in this area by noticing how your skin turns red and heated very instantaneously. After that, all you have to do is rinse it off. The skin becomes very soft and elastic. I adore the result.

After the scrub, it is advised that you apply blue clay wraps twice a week to help tighten the skin and aid in the elimination of toxins and extra fluid from the body.

Applying seaweed is another option to consider. Seaweed wraps and seawater baths have a remarkable effect on skin tone and condition, not just in the buttocks but across the body. Because algae are high in vitamins and trace minerals, you should absolutely try this approach!

Traditional massage is also good for the skin and the contour of your bottom. It aids in the reduction of banana roll fat, muscle toning, and cellulite reduction. Check out my post “Anti-cellulite massage,” which includes six distinct treatments you may try at home. Vacuum cupping is my favourite method since it appears to tone the skin quickly. However, when I notice that my legs are retaining water, I do a lymphatic drainage massage.

I hope this article may assist you in getting rid of that pesky banana roll fat. I still feel that working out hard is the most effective way to achieve it. You may dramatically improve the appearance of your booty and thighs by concentrating on this area.

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