7 Secret Moves To Lose Love Handles For Women Over 40

Love handles are formed of stubborn fat that most women find difficult to lose, especially as we age.

Make sure to include these secret exercises for targeting love handles if you want to remove your excess tummy bulge.

Love handles may seem great, but they’re actually a kind way of pointing out that undesired extra fat around the midsection, especially at the sides of the waist!

Love handles typically afflict persons in their forties and fifties, or around the age of 40.

This is because the metabolism slows significantly around the age of 40, which is when pockets of fat are more prone to build around the abdomen, often known as “middle-aged spread.”

Don’t worry, there are things you can do to lose your love handles after 40.

Continue reading to learn how to tone that chubbier-than-desired waist!

1. Try a Side Plank

This workout not only strengthens the core but also reduces waist circumference.

If you’re used to a complete plank, you’ll recognize this one.

Lie on one side and thrust your torso up, putting your upper ankle on top of your lower ankle.

Start on your elbow or extend your lower arm such that your full weight is supported by your feet and wrist.

Extend your other arm or rest it on your upper waist.

Stay in this posture for 20 seconds at first, then progressively increase the time you side-plank by 10 seconds to obtain the most benefit.

Rep the exercise on the opposite side.

2. Crunches with a Twist

Belly crunches are an efficient technique to tone your tummy, but if you simply perform crunches, you’ll lose out on the area around your waist’s sides.

So, the next time you perform crunches, add twenty more, elevate to a crunch, twist to one side, crunch, twist to the other side, and so on.

3. Keep Moving

If you have a sedentary job, it’s critical that you get enough activity in during the day.

It’s critical to get up and move about every 15 minutes or so; if this isn’t possible, utilize half of your lunch hour to go for a brisk walk to get your metabolism going.

Use your legs as much as possible.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or lift, walk an additional stop to the next bus station, and park further away than normal.

All of the aforementioned aid your body’s fitness and prevent fat from accumulating.

4. Try HIIT

High-Intensity Interval Training is an extremely efficient fat-burning approach and particular workouts specifically target the belly area.

The sessions are also short, making them simple to fit into your schedule, but they are intense, so be prepared to work hard!

HITT sessions typically last 10 to 20 minutes and focus on repetitions of specific high-impact exercises with a little break in between.

Expect crunches, push-ups, planking, squats, lunges, burpees, and other exercises, as well as plenty of sweating.

The biggest advantage of HIIT is that it continues to work even after you’ve finished exercising and may burn up to 16 calories per minute (based on average weight/height).

There are several HIIT applications and YouTube sessions available, as well as local classes.

5. Weight-Train

Bodybuilders aren’t the only ones that benefit from weight training!

It’s for everyone, and there are workouts for everyone, regardless of age, weight, or gender.

Weight training is excellent for losing weight because it targets certain muscles and builds them up while converting fat.

To achieve the best benefits, however, mix weight training with aerobic activity.

Aerobic workouts can help you burn calories, but weight training will help you create leanness and strength, which is extremely helpful for reducing waist fat.

You don’t have to lift huge weights; you may start with tiny dumbbells and kettlebells until your body gets acclimated to pounding iron.

6. Swim

Swimming is an excellent all-over body workout that also helps to relax a busy mind.

Going for a swim is therapeutic; you can take it as gently as you like or power up for intense exercise; even if you’re not a swimmer, you’ll benefit.

Because you twist as you move, a front crawl is great for toning the midsection of your body.

Swimming for at least 30 minutes twice a week will not only help you lose belly fat but will also improve your fitness levels.

7. Try Yoga

If you dislike fast-paced exercise but know you need to train your muscles, consider yoga.

It’s a terrific workout for the body, albeit slow, but for optimal benefit, you need also do some cardio, even if it’s as easy as going for fast-paced walks two or three times a week.

Yoga strengthens the core and contains several lengthy, slow motions that you hold in a position.

This strengthens your muscles and lengthens your body, which is why yogis are so sleek and slender.

Yoga is also a conscious activity that helps you feel peaceful and balanced, so it has an extra advantage.

Other Ways to Lose Those Love Handles

Don’t forget that, in addition to exercising, you should consider your nutrition, especially if you’ve seen weight gain.

Remove refined sugar from your diet (this includes sweets, cake, biscuits, buns, muffins, and so on) and avoid sugary drinks in cans.

It’s always preferable to stick to water and drink at least 2 liters every day.

Water relieves bloating by flushing fluids from your system and hydrating your entire body; it is vitally necessary.

Don’t eat late at night since the food won’t have time to digest correctly and will turn into fat.

Reduce your carbohydrate consumption as well, particularly potatoes, white pasta, white rice, and other stodgy carbohydrates.

You might attempt a Keto diet, which removes carbohydrates completely, causing your body to enter a state known as ketosis.

This is when your body uses fat for energy rather than carbohydrates.

You might increase your intake of healthy fats by eating extra olive oil, nuts, seeds, fatty seafood, and avocado.

They also make you feel fuller, making you less inclined to seek a sweet or high-carbohydrate snack.

High-fiber meals are also beneficial for making you feel full.

A healthy lifestyle is as important as eating good food.

Sleep well (at least 7 hours every night with a regular bedtime and waking time) and acquire stress management techniques.

Because many people comfort eat to improve their serotonin levels, stress is frequently a role in weight gain.

If you have been feeling extremely worried for a long time and have gained weight, you should consult your doctor to explore your alternatives.

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