9 Things That Make It Difficult to Lose Weight

You’ve been doing it for weeks and as consistently as you can

counting calories, working out, walking everywhere, limiting your food intake — and you’re still not losing weight.

 moving, it doesn’t mean you’re not making significant work toward reducing weight and becoming healthy.

You may reduce inches, get fitter, build lean muscle mass, lose body fat, improve your appearance, and feel more energized without losing any weight.

Keep in mind that the scale only tells you one thing: the overall mass of all your body parts at any one time.

Don’t think too hard about it. Weigh yourself less regularly (once every 1–2 weeks) and keep track of all the other indicators that great changes are taking place in your body even if the scale does not move.

This is the most effective approach to staying motivated over time.


When you don’t get enough sleep, your body goes into survival mode, wanting carbs and fat.

Several studies have revealed that women who slept for less than four hours consumed 300 extra calories and 21 grams of fat the following day.

So, for a week, go to bed seven and a half hours before your alarm goes off. You can get by with less sleep if you get up before your alarm.

If you press the snooze button, you may need eight, or even nine hours of sleep to wake up rejuvenated, energized, and ready to burn fat.


A demanding schedule, difficult work, family drama — whatever the source of your stress, it might be the root cause of your weight loss difficulties.

This is because the stress hormone cortisol may increase the amount of fat your body retains.

Indeed, higher levels of cortisol have been related to larger levels of visceral fat, according to studies. To assist you in de-stress, learn to meditate or join a yoga session.


This is one of the most prevalent reasons why your weight reduction has stalled. Yes, you can lose weight by combining food and cardio, but it will be much more difficult.

Cardio is, without a doubt, beneficial. However, if you only go for a run or a bike ride, you are unlikely to achieve your weight-loss objectives.

If losing fat is your primary objective, there are other types of exercise that will offer you a lot greater bang for your dollar. Strength training, in conjunction with exercise, is the most effective strategy to reduce weight and develop lean muscle.

The higher your body’s muscular tone, the more fat you’ll burn.

If you aren’t ready to give up your regular exercise program just yet, consider incorporating interval training because these sorts of workouts are far more effective at targeting fat than cardio alone.


When in doubt, avoid processed meals. That includes white bread, crackers, and chips, as well as all of the hidden refined sugars in packaged meals.

All of these unhealthy foods contribute to inflammation in the body. Consuming too many processed meals will make it tough to lose belly fat since belly fat is linked to inflammation.

Stick to healthy, clean meals like fruits, veggies, and whole grains instead.


According to research, when customers read “healthy” buzz words or promises on food packages (such as gluten-free, organic, all-natural, sugar-free, low-fat, and so on), they instinctively believe the product is low in calories.

This is completely false. Food producers will use all kinds of seductive language on their packages, knowing that you will think the same thing.

But none of these words tell you anything about a product’s healthiness, and none of them have any effect on the calories in a food.

So, read front-of-package labels with care, and always turn the box over to look at the nutrition information (and ingredients) to get a whole picture of what a product is like.

This also applies to restaurant menus.

Don’t allow healthy-sounding phrases to fool you into thinking a food is low in calories.

Before you place your order, familiarize yourself with the menu’s watchwords or read up on nutrition data.


If reducing calories helps you lose weight, shouldn’t you consume as little as possible? Wrong, especially if you want to feed your body for frequent activities.

To function properly and acquire all of the vital elements your body needs to be healthy, you must consume a specific number of calories.

Eating any less than that might cause long-term issues and harm your metabolism, making weight reduction even more difficult.


No one who has ever lost weight has ever succeeded because they were flawless all of the time.

Even the most successful individuals experience setbacks. We’ve all experienced days when we make bad dietary choices during a meal or even throughout the day.

We’ve all skipped workouts, forgotten to bring a lunch, or been too busy to prepare a diet-friendly dinner at home.

Those who continue to lose weight, on the other hand, pick themselves up, forgive themselves for their failures, learn from their mistakes, and simply keep going.

Remember that in a weight reduction strategy, perfection has no place.

Don’t give up if you make a mistake or feel like you’re not making enough progress.

Change takes time, and old habits are difficult to break.

Remember that it takes 21 days for a chance to become a habit and 90 days for it to become a lifestyle.

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