8 Nutritionist-approved Diet Tips From Celebs That Are Safe And Healthy.

Actress Jessica Biel: Eat several smaller meals throughout the day

Mrs. Justin Timberlake is big on the Three Hour Diet plan. Uh no! Another weird gimmick? Well, actually it’s not anything revolutionary or groundbreaking; in fact, the simple concept has been around for a while. Instead of eating three big, square meals a day, you split it into a few more meals with smaller portions that you eat throughout the day. The reason why it works is because it allows the individual to be mindful of portion sizes at all times while never going hungry.

Supermodel Adriana Lima: Try a keto/low-carb diet

Brazilian model Adriana Lima prefers Keto-based diets, which seem to be all the rage if you’ve been to a grocery store lately. It’s all about limiting your carbs intake to rather extreme levels while consuming fats and proteins. Dietitians have stated that Keto diets require quite a commitment since the amount of carbs you consume should amount to 5% of your entire food intake. This is a level that is extremely difficult to monitor unless you are paying close attention to every single item you’re putting in your body. But if you actually manage, it really does provide you with a great deal of energy.

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