8 Nutritionist-approved Diet Tips From Celebs That Are Safe And Healthy.

Nicole Scherzinger of The Pussycat Dolls fame: Only snack in the late afternoon

Snacks have been given a bad rap, mostly because it is associated with munching on unhealthy foods like chips and candy bars. But if you make good choices, the benefits of snacking include making you feel less hungry later on in the day and giving you the energy boost you need in the afternoon. Opt for a cup of 1% fat cottage cheese or a handful of nuts at around 3pm. The protein will give your metabolism a good jolt while lowering your blood sugar.

Supermodel Chrissy Teigen: Always include eggs during breakfast

Teigen wears a few hats. She’s a model, a mother, and has even written a series of best-selling cookbooks that focus on preparing meals that are both delicious and healthy. Her #1 rule is to accompany her breakfasts — whether it is sliced avocado, tomatoes, or sausage — with two eggs. Why? It contains a generous amount of protein, something that keeps you going until lunchtime. By contrast, a breakfast containing toast or a biscuit will make you feel slushy and lethargic at a time of the day when you definitely need to stay alert.

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