8 Nutritionist-approved Diet Tips From Celebs That Are Safe And Healthy.

Because celebrities are so popular with their audience and have such a huge reach, what they say is important. However, when it comes to dietary advice, they have no more authority than any ordinary Joe on the street. As a result, when they recommend unusual diets or detox therapies, they do so without fully understanding what they’re talking about.

However, in other cases, they do provide nutritional ideas that are genuinely quite reasonable and have the support of legitimate nutritionists. Here are 10 safe and effective diet programs. However, as always, speak with a doctor or a licensed dietitian before making any major dietary changes.

Actress Emily Ratajkowski: Eat more protein

Ratajkowski has made it no secret that she is a big lover of meat. It’s got what she needs; iron, protein, and pure, unadulterated deliciousness. You won’t ever find her nibbling on a salad! Nutritionists are all for this. In particular, the protein and fat found in meats take longer to digest versus carbs, and as a result leave you feeling full longer. Foods rich in protein also kick your metabolism up a notch, which keeps you energized. But best of all, protein is an excellent natural appetite regulator, which means you are less prone to developing cravings later in the day.

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