7 Reasons Why Guys Want to Fall In Love With You

4. We want to laugh with you

Being flirtatious and playfully teasing is one of the ways couples develop a bond and show affection. We want to relieve the tension, make you feel happy, and most importantly, hear your laughter. The ability to laugh and enjoy each other’s company is a sure sign of compatibility. When guys say something that you find funny, it demonstrates that we’re on the same wavelength. It is also a critical behavior at the stage when we don’t yet know each other very well. It’s a low-pressure way to connect and can turn a platonic friendship into a romantic relationship.

5. You literally ease the pain

Love hurts so good, as we all know. But did you know it’s also the ultimate painkiller? The reward systems of the brain responsible for addiction also produce soothing chemicals that make the pain go away. This can be demonstrated when we look at a picture of you. These feelings are strongest at the beginning of the relationship when our brains are absolutely flooded with these good-feeling chemicals.

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