7 Reasons Why Guys Want to Fall In Love With You

The feeling of falling in love is a roller coaster of emotions. You feel like you’re on cloud nine. You find yourself smiling for no reason. You’ve got butterflies in your stomach just thinking about her. Why do guys fall in love? Because it feels good! We’re looking for a partner, and you’re the one for us! Here are 7 scientific reasons why we want you in our lives.

1. You are the center of our attention

How can you tell if a guy is really into you? A sure sign is when he looks right at you without so much as blinking, but then turns his eyes away the moment you make eye contact. He isn’t merely attracted to your appearance, by the way. He legitimately wants to know who you are as a person. Compatibility isn’t a trait that is only important to women; guys want to develop a deep connection with you as well. They are interested in what you think, what you enjoy doing, and just as importantly, your dislikes. He wants you to be as happy as he is!

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