Some people are naturally thin, trim, and toned; they never need to drop a pound.
They just were born with an amazing metabolism and fantastic genes, so maintaining their slimness is uncomplicated!
Unfortunately, they are in the minority, and the majority of individuals have to put in a lot of effort to keep a trim physique and toned muscles.
There is temptation everywhere, and not everyone enjoys strenuous exercise, so losing weight and maintaining a slender figure is not simple.
What can you do in light of this to lose weight efficiently and with the least amount of discomfort and disruption?
Here is what a trainer advised us to do each week to regularly lose weight.
The greatest approach to losing fat is by gradually losing one to two pounds each week, which is what this strategy will help you do.
Crash dieting is extremely unhealthy since it damages your skin, hair, and nails, saps your vitality and causes you to lose weight initially just through water loss.
Continue crash dieting and your metabolism won’t function at its best, causing you to gain weight as soon as you start eating normally again (and possibly even more weight than before).
Day 1 — Monday (Legs)

freshen up the week.
On Sunday night, get a good night’s sleep to feel more energized.
Additionally, it will assist jump-start your metabolism.
Make sure you have a nutritious breakfast of unsweetened porridge or scrambled egg whites on whole-wheat bread with no butter, fresh juice, and a cup of green tea (great for fat-burning).
After waiting for 30 minutes, get some exercise!
Start with an aerobic workout.
The best cardio workout for beginners is 20 minutes of brisk walking, but no matter your fitness level, you need to increase your heart rate.
Then incorporate lower body strength training.
Squats, lunges, leg lifts, jumping jacks, and burpee repeats are good exercises to attempt.
10 of each, then repeat. Rehydrate yourself with water, then stick to a balanced diet for the remainder of the day. Avoid sweets and saturated fat and limit your carbohydrate intake.
Day 2 — Tuesday (Chest)

Once more, have a healthy breakfast and engage in exercise for at least 20 minutes in the morning.
The second day is all about your chest.
Plank, press-ups, push-ups (press up position, then drop each arm to the elbow and push back up), single-arm chest presses (with weights), bridges, bridges with chest presses, and one-arm press-ups are all repetition-led exercises that should be performed 15 of each three times in a single session.
For the remainder of the day, eat healthily, choose carefully which healthy snacks to choose, and if you can, walk rather than take the bus, the lift, or the escalator to increase your cardio.
Day 3 — Wednesday (HIIT)

It’s all about the HIIT workout today.
It’s exactly what it sounds like high-intensity interval training.
It consists of a sequence of exercises performed quickly one after the other with 30- to 1-minute-long rests in between.
Get a HIIT workout after having a healthy meal that isn’t greasy or loaded with sugar.
Try this exercise as a case in point:
- Using a skipping rope for 30 seconds
- a 30-second break
- Jumping jacks for 30 seconds
- a 30-second break
- Jump squats for 30 seconds
- a 30-second break
- Do sit-ups for 30 seconds.
- a 30-second break
- A 30-second step
- a 30-second break
- 60-second pushup
- a 30-second break
- 30 burpees in 30 seconds
- a 30-second break
Repeat (remember to remain hydrated) (remember to stay hydrated)
The rest of the day, be sure to eat well and attempt to incorporate as much walking as you can.
Day 4 — Thursday (Rest)

This is a rest day or a “take it easy” day, so start your day with another delicious breakfast and make sure to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
You may continue exercise but modify it to be easier on your body and give yourself enough time to recuperate.
Yoga is a great workout for today’s society since it helps to promote a leaner, stronger, and more toned body.
You might either take a long walk or go swimming as an alternative.
Don’t take today as an excuse to overindulge in empty calories; instead, try to eat a balanced diet that is low in sugar and high in complex carbohydrates.
Always consume a lot of water.
Day 5 — Friday (Upper Body)

Return to work!
Before beginning your cardio workout, have a substantial meal and hydrate your body.
It has to do with the upper torso and arms.
While you might jog, sprint, or walk quickly, consider adding some light weights to give your arms a better workout.
Start your weight training after you get back from your 20-minute aerobic exercise.
For optimal results, repeat this four times as it is a four-round circuit:
- Do 12 press-ups (excellent for the chest and upper arms).
- 12 sets of bicep curls (bend your arms from the elbow up while holding weights in either hand)
- Plank (60 seconds) (60 seconds)
- Weights overhead (with the same arm weights, hold your forearms out to the side so that your elbow and forearm form a 90-degree angle, then raise the weights above your head and gently lower them to the 90-degree position 12 times)
- With the top of the band wrapped around your wrists, stand up and place a band under each foot. Next, bend your elbow and raise the band as high as it will go before lowering it once more. x12
For the remainder of the day, eat healthily and stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
Day 6 — Saturday (Circuit Training)

Move on to a circuit training program after eating a wholesome, nutritious meal and hydrating your body.
Any form of circuit training at your gym or a nearby class might be used for this kind of exercise.
Pilates, on the other hand, is a wonderful, powerful workout that can aid in toning your entire body.
Leg raises (lie on your back and lift one leg as high as it will go, then lower slowly but without touching the floor — repeat 10 times, then switch legs), press ups, leg bicycles, and leg extensions (lie on the floor, lift your knees off the floor with your arms, then extend your legs out in front of you but low without touching the ground) are exercises you should perform. Extend your back out at the same moment so that it is slightly elevated off the ground.
Each of these exercises has to be done ten times.
Additionally, you should do some cardio to increase fat burning, eat healthily for the remainder of the day, and maintain hydration.
Day 7 — Sunday (Back)

You’re going to concentrate on your back after a hearty meal and rehydrating your body.
Start your workout with 20 minutes of your preferred cardio, followed by some weightlifting:
- ten deadlifts
- 10 reverse butterflies
- 10 upper back raises
- 60 seconds of full planking
- lateral plank on each side for 30 seconds
- Renegade rowing is an exercise that combines a press-up with tiny arm weights, lifting one arm off the ground, and then replacing and lifting the other arm off the ground.
After that, relax!
Eat healthily throughout the day, stay hydrated, and give yourself props for a fantastic week of activity.
Real benefits ought to start appearing, especially if you stick with this regimen.