3 Things You Should Know If You Want Your Diet to Work

It’s time to make a shift.

You researched and discovered a diet and lifestyle plan that works for you. You marked a start date on your calendar and began preparing your kitchen.

You’re devoted to losing weight, recovering energy, and feeling great. Congratulations on taking such an important first step!

What happens next?

Big changes may be frightening…

If you’re feeling a little nervous about starting The Virgin Diet or Sugar Impact Diet, you’re not alone!

Pursuing such a significant life shift is exhilarating, but it may also be terrifying. What happens if it doesn’t work? What if the cravings are too strong or do I regain all of my weight?

It might be more daunting if this isn’t your first effort at weight loss. (Or second, third…)

Those reservations are precisely why I tell people that it’s not the how, but the why.

My Virgin Diet and Sugar Impact Diet are founded on solid research and decades of practice. However, your self-esteem and aspirations will ultimately decide your dietary success.

To succeed, you must comprehend and believe three things:

1. You are already amazing.

This isn’t about being adequate. You are already. Starting a diet is an excellent approach to recognizing that you deserve to feel your best.

Having problems with your health and looks might make you feel insecure. (I understand since I’ve been there!)

Low self-esteem implies you don’t take care of yourself, which frequently leads to bad decisions. You soon gain weight and feel even worse about yourself… It’s time to break the cycle of destruction.

You are already worthy, even if you are overweight or have other physical disadvantages. That might be difficult to comprehend at times, especially if you believe that being loved necessitates looking beautiful.

But I’ll tell you what I’ve needed to hear for years: you’re amazing just the way you are.

2. Big success starts with big goals.

Most people who are overweight and in pain are well aware of their current situation.

Your current symptoms or scale numbers may push you to pursue change, but it is your future that will keep you motivated.

Instead of concentrating on where you are now, consider where you want to go. What is your “major why” — how will you live your new life? Don’t be frightened to dream big!

In fact, if your objectives aren’t making you happy, I urge you to change them…

Consider your perfect career or dream vacation, both of which are currently out of reach due to your weight. How will you spend time with your loved ones if weariness and hurting joints prevent you from doing so?

Take a mental picture of where you want to go so that your journey becomes less about the starting line and more about the finish.

3. Knowing where you’re headed leads to lasting change.

It’s time to put the pieces together! Once you’ve determined your main why you can begin to set more precise goals.

Naming your motives will assist you in committing to the action steps required to eliminate extra sugar, improve your sleep, or drink more water.

Make the connection between eating a nutritious breakfast every day and taking that family trip. Understand how getting enough sleep affects job advancement. Make it a reality!

The more you grasp how your tangible decisions today are resulting in a different reality tomorrow, the simpler it will be to stick to your commitment.

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