It seems like a dream come true: you eat well but can’t lose weight.

Even better: You eat well and gain weight. The internet is full of tales about how eating healthier would transform you into a supermodel in a matter of months. Amer. We’re not all the same.

For those of us who eat properly yet can’t seem to lose weight, here are three weight loss blunders that might be to blame.


Eating healthy and losing weight is difficult, and eating healthily and not losing weight is much more difficult! Here are the BIGGEST weight loss blunders that are preventing you from losing weight and how to solve them!

Without a doubt, exercise is beneficial. In my view, this is especially important for your mental wellness. However, individuals today anticipate TOO MUCH from their hour-long exercises. Get abs, burn fat, and elevate your booty.

I was the same way. For a while in 2010, I believed that performing 15 minutes of HIIT every other day would help me get in shape. “Would you want to save time while burning 9x fatter?” I despise these exercises, but I’m going to do them anyhow.”

The remainder of my day unfolded as follows.

No, that’s not me, but you get the idea — I’m not moving at all during the day. Nobody informed me that 15 minutes or even an hour of grueling interval training wouldn’t assist if I then sat in front of a computer all day.

It turns out that for me and many others who sit all day, going for a stroll a few times a day would be a good idea.

You will acquire a habit of moving, of being always active, in this manner.

It’s a little modification, yet it may boost your immune system, prevent infections, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, and decrease stress. And guess what else? A robust immune system and low stress levels are essential for good health and, as a result, maintaining a healthy weight.

Even if it’s just 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes at lunch, and 20 minutes in the evening. The little things add up. Simply walking more will provide you with an additional 60 minutes of activity.

You may complete your exercise, of course, but it should not become a replacement for everyday NATURAL motions. Humans are wired to seek out and experience new things. Not for sitting about doing the same old thing, waiting or resting all the time, and then doing 50 burpees out of nowhere.


Instead of eating, here are 67 helpful activities you can do when you’re bored! Stop overeating and get back on track by doing things! Beginners’ Guide to Clean Eating

We’re not just sitting all the time, but we’re also physically bored, so we eat whenever we want.

Consider this. How frequently do you grab a snack while sitting at your computer, going through emails? Or when you’re so preoccupied with finishing that paper you needed to finish yesterday?

Even if it’s nutritious food, eating mindlessly while you’re bored or anxious is never a smart idea. It leads to overeating, and overeating is one of the primary causes of weight increase and illness development.

Only eat when you’re hungry. Allow your body to inform you when it’s time to eat. It cannot be the other way around.

Don’t eat because it’s snack time or because it’s OK to overload on healthy foods. Overeating is never healthy, regardless of the kind of food. Because when you “snack” all the time, you are preventing your body from receiving an important signal — hunger. You need that signal in your life on a regular basis.


Mindful diet and exercise are essential, but there are occasions when you need to establish a time limit. Otherwise, you may wind up eating till you pass out.

I like to eat till at least 8 p.m. I not only sleep better, but I also lose weight without doing anything. You may not have much control over many things, and you may not have time to exercise, but you can do this.

When you resolve not to eat after 8 p.m., you simply do it. It does not need the expenditure of time or money. All that is needed is a choice. You’ve decided not to eat after 8 p.m. That easy.

From my personal experience, avoiding eating after 8 p.m. works because consuming junk food, even when you have good intentions, occurs mostly in the evening. I’m not sure why. At that point, my best assumption is that it’s due to a lack of self-control.

Even if I had a smoothie, salad, and oats throughout the day, I would easily destroy this perfect day by delving into a bag of chips or ordering pizza at about 9 p.m. After supper, I simply have a hankering for all of those things.

But the truth is that making the commitment to not eat late ahead of time saves me time.

a lot of calories, the energy I might spend on something more constructive, and it helps me wake up in the morning feeling relaxed and lighter, ready to work. Just give it a go but be aware that you may feel a bit hungry the first few nights. But it’s just a few days, and it’ll be well worth it!

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