16 Weight Loss Tricks That Will Help You Burn Twice As Many Calories

Do you wish you could burn twice as many calories without spending hours at the gym?

These simple weight reduction methods can assist you in losing weight without sacrificing hours upon hours each day!

We all know it’s bad for us to sit at a desk all day, and we all know we should get more exercise, but for most of us, there just aren’t enough hours in the day. But what if you could include your regular duties in your workout and avoid going to the gym entirely?

Isn’t it too wonderful to be true?

It isn’t! And we’ve got the top 16 tweaks you can make to your everyday routine to help you burn twice as many calories without sacrificing your leisure time.

1. Maintain Cleanliness

Cleaning isn’t everyone’s favorite duty, but it’s one of life’s necessary evils, and if you’re going to do it, you may as well shed that excess belly fat while you’re doing it!

To get the most out of your cleaning session, you must be careful of your motions.

Engage your core muscles while you bend over or push the vacuum around. By resting on one foot while cleaning surfaces or scrubbing dishes, you may improve your strength and balance.

What are you waiting for? Just 25 minutes of cleaning can burn a staggering 100 calories — so what are you waiting for?

2. Include Some Weight

Invest in some ankle weights and keep them near your front door so you’ll remember to put them on anytime you go out to run an errand.

You’ll burn more calories as your legs work harder to carry you around, whether you’re going shopping or out to lunch.

3. Ride Your Bike

Save money on gas and public transportation by riding your bike to work.

According to studies, only 20 minutes of gentle exercise in the morning boosts overall employee satisfaction, so you’ll be the ray of sunshine in your office every day!

4. Do you have a dog? Have some fun!

Walking your dog is wonderful exercise, but you may increase the fat-burning potential of your time with him by participating in his playfulness.

Just ten minutes of energetic activity with your dog every day may burn up to 15,000 calories in a year!

5. Why Sit If You Can Stand?

Many firms now provide employees with standing workstations, and the benefits are considerable.

Not only will you burn up to 160 percent more calories every hour, but sitting for lengthy periods of time has been linked to back and neck problems.

6. Become Excited

According to new research from the University of Montreal, women burn 69 calories every sex session while males burn 100. What more compelling excuse do you need to enter the bedroom?

7. Climb the Stairs

It should go without saying, but using the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator will help you burn calories like nobody’s business.

Climbing stairs engages both your cardio and your legs, resulting in a substantially higher calorie burn.

Why not go up the remaining two flights if you have to get to the 15th floor? In a year, just two flights every day can burn off pounds of fat.

8. Obtain a Ball

Swap your workplace chair for a stability ball and develop your core while earning your money.

Because the ball is unstable, your body must continually make micro-adjustments to keep you balanced — you may not feel it at the moment, but this may burn up to an extra 100 calories every day. Stability balls are also beneficial to your posture!

9. Mini-Exercises

Just two-and-a-half-minute bursts of activity are enough to rev up your metabolism and get your body burning calories.

Set a timer at your workstation and conduct a high-intensity mini-workout at your desk every hour.

It might be burpees, push-ups, or jumping jacks; just make sure you put forth your best effort for two to two and a half minutes.

10. Go for a Walk

If working out vigorously at your desk every hour is not acceptable at your workplace, attempt to get up and walk for two minutes every hour.

Make a point of timing your walks for two minutes can get you fairly far in an office — and it’s not just to the water cooler and back!

Take a stroll to another story but remember to take the stairs!

11. Participate in Physical Activities with Your Children

Participate in your children’s backyard games to burn calories while bonding.

Tag, hopscotch, and hide-and-seek games can have you running about like a big child and may be a terrific form of exercise.

If you don’t have children, why do you volunteer to watch your friend’s children for the day so they can have some much-needed peace and quiet?

12. Perform the Boogie

Shaking your booty for 18 minutes will burn over 100 calories whether you are at home, out partying, or at work.

It’s also a terrific social activity where you may make new friends while having fun.

According to research conducted by the University of Brighton, certain types of dancing can burn more calories than going for a run!

So, why not look into classes in your area?

13. Leave a Stop Early

If you can’t bike to work, you can still get some additional calories burned by getting off public transportation a stop early and walking the rest of the way.

The stroll will wake you up, get your muscles moving, and help you get rid of that drab commuter attitude, all while making you smaller and fitter!

14. Meetings on the Move

Why have a meeting in a stuffy office when you might be just as productive outside?

Walking meetings are becoming increasingly common as CEOs and managers see the advantages of getting their employees up and moving around.

15. Go for a Hike

Get away from the city for the weekend and go for a trek in the nearby countryside.

Alternatively, you might go exploring around your city — the choice is yours!

Walking briskly and soaking in the sights will burn up to 300 calories per hour in each case.

16. Visit a park

Why not grab a football and have a kick-around in the park the next time you have a social gathering with your friends?

Anything that keeps you moving, whether it’s frisbee, ping-pong, or good old-fashioned catch, will burn calories.

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