15 Ways to Stay Slim Without Going to the Gym

The idea that sitting is the new smoking is almost common knowledge.

Numerous studies have shown that spending more time sitting down each day can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of dying young.

But what can we do if we’ve been stuck to a chair at work for half a day?

You must therefore find a way to stand up and move around.

Luckily, a thorough new study has found that you can do it without going to the gym.

The Lancet study found that even 150 minutes a week of exercise can help you live longer and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Most importantly, any physical activity counts during those minutes, regardless of how you choose to use them.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Scott Lear, a professor at Canada’s Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Health Sciences, dispelled the idea that being active requires spending money.

We’ve put together a guide to help you become more active today, so you’re in luck.

Here are some of the quickest methods for increasing your calorie burn right away.

Try these calorie-burning strategies and stop making excuses!

1. Clear Your Clutter

Cleaning up can improve the appearance of your body in addition to making your home look spotless.

All you have to do as you move about the house is to be aware of your movements.

Clean some dishes while standing on your toes, or lean over the tub while contracting your abs.

Clean sinks, counters, sinks, and walls while standing on one foot, suggests Michelle Opperman, Group Fitness Manager of Crunch in New Montgomery.

With advice like this, cleaning would no longer be unpleasant. You can burn 100 calories by cleaning for just 25 minutes.

2. Ride Your Bike to Work

Consider biking to work if you live close enough and don’t need to dress up for any special occasions.

If you are too far, there is a solution as well.

Ride your bike to work after taking the train, subway, or bus to a nearby location.

You’ll be happy you made that choice in the future.

3. “Stand Out” in the Workplace

If you spend all day in front of a computer, Dave Colina, certified CrossFit trainer, Krav Maga instructor, and founder of Formula O2 suggests trying out a standing desk.

Keep your monitor and keyboard on a stack of books if your office doesn’t permit a standing desk.

Both sitting down and standing up are equally comfortable for typing.

Additionally, you are burning a lot more calories while exercising!

4. Begin Gardening

Just 22 minutes of gardening can burn 100 calories.

If you weigh 175 pounds, you’ll burn 100 calories, but if you weigh more, you’ll burn calories even faster.

Additionally, while you’re in the dirt anyway, you can give yourself a double dose of the good stuff.

You can grow some vegetables or add some pretty flowers to your garden to make it even more lovely.

Your garden will be the loveliest in your neighborhood, and you’ll have fresh vegetables to help you prepare healthy meals!

5. Make Time for Little Exercises

You can find time for quick workouts no matter how busy you are with your work and your children.

The problem is that you can start burning calories and speeding up your metabolism in just 2.5 minutes.

According to research published in the journal Physiological Reports, people who cycled for five 30-second bursts at their maximum effort followed by a four-minute rest period burned 200 more calories and increased their metabolism for the following two days.

It never sounded so enjoyable to chase your kids, did it?

6. Have a Dancing Party

Just 17 minutes of vigorous movement will burn 100 calories.

Just start dancing, whether you’re attending a class, going out on Saturdays, or practicing in your living room!

One exercise that doesn’t feel like an exercise is moving to music; it’s a great way to increase heart rate.

Don’t trust us? A University of Brighton study found that some types of dancing can burn more calories than running.

7. Play Tourist in Your Own Town

Check out the city’s historical walking tours, or even better, locate a nearby nature trail with a stunning view.

Put on your hiking boots, take in the sights and sounds of nature, and burn some calories in the process.

You can burn off 100 calories in 15 minutes of hiking, but most hikes are longer.

Walking and hiking are simple activities that burn a lot of calories and offer wonderful chances to experience new sights and sounds.

8. Choose Stairs Over an Escalator

If you choose the stairs over the escalator as you exit the subway system or stroll through the mall, you’ll burn off an absurd number of calories.

Attention travelers: all those stairs can help counteract those heavy vacation meals.

9. Do some window shopping.

100 calories will be burned in about 33 minutes while browsing the mall’s newest gadgets and clothes!

Window shopping is fun!

10. Parking Far Away

An easy way to get moving, according to Zuta Gilchriest, Regional Group Fitness Director of NY CRUNCH gums, is to park your car a few blocks or at least in the farthest space in the parking garage. By doing this, you’ll extend your short walk.

11. Visit a bowling alley.

100 calories are burned off during a 25-minute game of bowling.

12. Play Mini Golf

This game has a 37-minute playing time and burns 100 calories.

13. Rearrange Some Furnishings

Do you want to redecorate or is a friend relocating?

167 calories are burned when you move furniture for 30 minutes.

14. Throw darts

100 calories will be burned if you play darts with friends for 51 minutes at your favorite bar.

But make an effort to abstain from drinking!

15. Go Yourself Beneath the Covers

Pay close attention to this if you want to cuddle.

You can reduce your weight without ever leaving your bed! Researchers from the University of Montreal claim that on average, men and women have sex sessions and burn off 100 and 69 calories, respectively.

Although we think you didn’t need a reason to get into bed, you have to admit that this is a good reason to stay even longer.

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