15 Surprising Reasons You’re Gaining Belly Fat

We are aware of your efforts to control your weight, but one day you decide to put on a pair of jeans you last wore a month or two ago, and wham!

You can’t get your hand to the buttons because they are too tight.

Given that you have been exercising, eating well, and drinking plenty of water, you may be wondering where you went wrong.

Is there another explanation for the weight gain?

Actually, yes! And you’ll be surprised by them.

We’ll look at fifteen things that can increase your waistline out of the many that exist.

1. You eat healthy Foods

Eating healthy food is advised if you want to lose weight, but eating too much of it can have the opposite effect.

Eat in moderation instead.

Consuming foods like quinoa, avocados, nuts, and dark chocolate in manageable portions is advised.

You should start using these portion control tips because, unless it’s a vegetable or fruit, the food you are eating might not be low in calories.

  • Size of your fist for rice and pasta
  • shredded cheese and nuts in ping-pong-ball-sized pieces
  • The size of a deck of cards in lean meat

2. You are Going Through Depression

Depression is a condition we don’t want to go through.

According to some reports, the medication causes some people to put on more weight.

Dieticians claim that some antidepressants can cause cravings, particularly for carbohydrates, and you already know what carbs do.

Additionally, depression causes appetite loss, but its treatment causes sick people to regain their appetite and overeat.

Since some medications cause weight gain more than others, changing medications is the answer to this issue.

Altering your medication, though, might not have as much of an impact on your depression.

You must choose between eliminating depression and losing weight.

3. Your Body is Dehydrated

Two cups of water should be consumed before every meal, according to research from the University of Birmingham.

We eat less because water makes us feel more satisfied, gives us energy, and keeps our body temperatures stable.

Skipping those two cups of water can cause you to eat more calories and gain weight because a dehydrated body saves the water it has for essential bodily functions.

By consuming enough water throughout, you can keep your body hydrated and prevent weight gain. You could also sip delicious detox water.

4. You Stay Up Late

If you are staying up late watching Dwayne Johnson’s movies and catching up on “Game of Thrones,” “Empire,” “Narcos,” and “Charmed,” you aren’t doing your body any favors. Even if you are eating well and exercising as he does.

Your waist will grow larger, you’ll notice.

Shorter sleep durations are linked to weight gain because insufficient sleep awakens ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and decreases the satiety hormone.

It is more difficult to practice portion control when you are awake because your brain tends to encourage you to eat some junk food.

Dieticians claim that the surge of hunger and cravings subsides after a week or two of sleeping seven to eight hours every night.

5. You are Obsessed with Your Workout Sessions

In order to lose weight, exercise is just as important as eating a healthy diet, and most of us look forward to our workouts.

However, experts advise against becoming fixated on or overthinking your sessions because doing so may make it more challenging for you to lose weight.

Because you are overconfident that you will burn more calories at the gym when you are thinking about your workout, you may be tempted to eat more calories.

Sadly, it is not at all feasible.

Which is good? Schedule a reminder and then completely disregard it!

Your iCal will remind you, so don’t worry.

You won’t have to worry about your workout all the time if you do it this way.

6. Your Thyroid is Sluggish

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck above the Adam’s apple that has several functions in the body, one of which is to speed up metabolism.

The condition known as hypothyroidism, on the other hand, occurs when your thyroid fails to serve its intended function for a variety of reasons.

So, which of the symptoms is it? You already know why we’re here.

One of them is weight gain, but doctors say the condition progresses gradually and many people aren’t aware they have it until it’s advanced to a severe level.

No matter how hard you work out or how well you eat, if the thyroid is the cause of your weight gain, you won’t be able to get the lean body you have always wanted.

The best advice is to visit your doctor and have them check your thyroid function if you notice a sudden weight gain despite eating healthy and exercising.

7. You hardly Step on the Scale

What you don’t know won’t hurt you, you’ve even heard that in songs, but that probably means there’s some bad news waiting on the other side.

Neglecting to weigh yourself when discussing weight gain is what will hurt you.

Most likely, you don’t need to know the number.

Dietitians claim that, particularly during the winter, we feel sluggish about stepping on the scales, indulge in comfort food, exercise very little, and turn the heat up in our homes.

Reduce treats, increase activity, and step on the scale at least once per week to shed those extra pounds.

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are the best days to take your weight.

8. You Forget to Check Yourself Out

If you don’t use the self-checkout kiosks that grocery stores have provided for their customers, the candies you consume could stop you from losing weight.

Investigate further.

When they were the ones scanning their purchases and using their credit cards, men’s and women’s impulse purchases decreased by 16.7% and 32.1 percent, respectively, according to a study by IHL Consulting Group.

The majority of impulsive purchases are bad for your waistline.

61% of salty snacks and 80% of candies are impulsively purchased.

Be the one to check yourself out the next time you pass by a grocery store.

9. You are Getting Older

Our bodies begin to lose muscle mass once we turn 30.

Additionally, our metabolism slows.

You are in a celebratory mood with the cakes, candles, and beverages, but the worst present you can receive is gaining weight as you age, especially if you continue to eat the same foods you did before you turned 30.

Stay active to keep your youthful figure.

To maintain your tissue and lean body, mix cardio and weight-bearing exercises into your routine.

10. You’re Achy

Your body’s achy areas may deter you from exercising or engaging in physical activity.

Lack of exercise can cause weight gain over time, especially if you continue to eat the same foods you were eating while exercising.

Who can exercise comfortably while experiencing joint pain?

It’s practically impossible! However, exercise can protect you from the symptoms of arthritis, and you should choose low-impact sports like swimming and cycling.

Experts say that performing strength training exercises like lifting small weights can be very beneficial.

11. You Eat Too Many Healthy Foods

Dietitian Leah Kaufman claims that her clients experience irresistible cravings when they believe they aren’t allowed to indulge occasionally.

You should consume no more than 100 calories per day to avoid gaining weight in order to suppress that desire.

One Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, twelve gummy bears, and nine peanut M&Ms are just a few of the suggested snacks.

12. You Carry a Basket While Shopping

Most likely, you went into the store to purchase a few items, but choosing the hand-held basket is not a wise choice. Instead, it would be better to use the cart.

A study by the Journal of Marketing Research found that pushing a cart reduces the likelihood of choosing foods that increase belly fat.

The researchers also stated that carrying a basket can cause impulse picking for foods like chips, crackers, and cookies. Instead, grab some wholesome snacks.

13. You Are Not Eating Enough Protein

It’s crucial to get enough protein because it makes you feel fuller for longer, prevents overeating, and digests more slowly than carbohydrates.

Lean muscle mass is maintained with the aid of proteins. Your body will have to break down your muscles in order to get the nutrients it needs if you don’t consume enough protein to keep your muscles and cells healthy.

Your metabolism will function more slowly the less muscle you have, which could eventually result in weight gain.

Consume protein-rich foods like chicken breast, organic tofu, and turkey to keep your metabolism healthy.

14. You Are in a Stressful Job

You might be getting bigger around the middle because your boss is too demanding.

Your body releases cortisol as a result of your job’s stress, which directly contributes to the growth of belly fat.

Since elevated cortisol raises blood glucose, it can cause hunger pangs.

Additionally, the extra blood glucose is stored as fat.

You can talk to your manager about your work schedule, or you can arrive at the office earlier when no one is bothering you and plan the day’s assignments.

15. You’re Taking Medication

Your waistline may get bigger as a result of the number of medications you take, such as beta-blockers and birth control pills.

Some medications increase your appetite, while others cause your metabolism to slow down.

Non-compliance with treatment has also resulted in weight issues.

Some medications, particularly those used to treat the common cold, can make you drowsy and weak, making it impossible for you to exercise.

Take note of this.

Do not stop taking your medication even if you believe it is making you gain weight.

Ask your doctor instead for a substitute medication that won’t affect your weight.


The majority of people follow a diet to help them maintain a healthy weight and spend some time exercising each week to achieve an athletic appearance.

However, there are some specific situations, such as thyroid disease, medication, and ageing, that can make it difficult for you to develop a lean body.

Additionally, there are some factors that you have control over, such as getting too little sleep or shopping with a basket.

You must understand that only you have the power to control your weight through lifestyle choices.

If you follow the advice above, you may achieve the body of your dreams.

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