These science-backed weight reduction techniques

may assist you if you want to lose weight without dieting, working out for hours at the gym, or counting calories.


The keto diet, the paleo diet, the Atkins diet, the 21-day cure…

Every year, there is a new diet that we haven’t tried yet to get rid of that unsightly excess weight that no one should see (I’m exaggerating…)

What is it that never goes out of style? What is the one thing that always works when it comes to losing weight? It’s neither a diet nor a fitness routine… It is as follows: Listening to and acting on common sense. It’s the healthiest way to live.

What does common sense say? It informs you that you need certain nutrients in specific amounts in order for your body to operate correctly and eliminate chronic inflammation. This, in turn, will assist you in losing weight. Common sense dictates that you may get all of these essential nutrients in their purest form from actual food.

It advises you that you should exercise more, but not torture yourself at the gym for an hour every day. In most situations, just walking more is sufficient.


Eating meals that are nutrient-dense and help you feel full AND satisfied for a longer period of time is one of the most important techniques for long-term weight reduction. You will lose weight and then keep it off if you learn how to do this.

Healthy meals might not always contain fewer calories than less healthy options (for example whole grains vs. refined grains). The distinction is in how these foods alter your hunger and satiety.

For example, by consuming the same number of calories, you may be satisfied for 1 hour or 3 hours, depending on the cuisine.

Which do you believe is superior? Of course, I was completely occupied for three hours!

Because, even if you consume the same number of calories before, you will consume more calories afterward in the first situation than in the second.

In the end, it’s not about how many calories you consume right now, but about what occurs later. It all comes down to how “effective” those calories are.

This is the “great secret.”

You want to consume items that will keep you fuller for longer and reduce your urge to eat all the time.


Having a plan is a simple approach to eating healthily the majority of the time. At the very least, a rough food plan.

For example, on Sunday, look up a few dishes you’d want to try throughout the week, prepare a grocery list, and go grocery shopping. Then you may choose whether to meal prep these meals or prepare them on the day of. If you despise (older) leftovers, I don’t advocate meal preparation since it’s not the freshest alternative available.

If you’re new to eating healthy and don’t trust yourself to shop for healthy foods, a meal kit delivery service like Sun Basket can be a good option. You receive all of the fresh goods and recipes delivered to your door, saving you a lot of time. If you want to give it a go, you can receive $35 off your first purchase by clicking here.



You must try this tasty and healthful low-carb salad dish!


Vegetables are one food category that should never be excluded from a healthy diet.

They’re nutrient-dense and low in calories — the ideal mix for filling you full while also providing you with a plethora of critical nutrients and phytochemicals required for good health and weight loss.

Vegetables are also our primary supply of vitamin C, which is required for body cells to burn fat.

Eating your veggies first and increasing their quantity is a terrific way to guarantee you obtain your 8 servings while also helping you consume fewer calories without having to count as a first grader.


Incorporating veggies into your meals is another excellent strategy to maintain a calorie deficit. This way, your meals are the same size and taste excellent while containing fewer calories.

Furthermore, you naturally increase the number of veggies you eat on a regular basis, which has some additional advantages for your physical and mental health.

There have even been studies that suggest this basic method works for both adults and toddlers.

So, if you want to encourage your kids (or hubby) to eat more veggies, give this a go.

I smuggle veggies into my meals by blending them into sauces, dips, soups, and desserts, or simply adding them to wraps and curries.

For example, if I’m making pesto pasta, I’ll sneak some veggies into the pesto and lessen the quantity of oil and nuts. This improves the number of veggies consumed while saving a significant amount of calories.

I’m not a huge fan of cauliflower rice or zucchini noodles, but if you believe they’d work for you, go ahead and give them a go.


People believe that eating mainly salads would help them lose weight, but if you’re like me and like soups, I have some good news for you.

Another sort of meal that might help you regulate your appetite and prevent overeating is soup.

They are low in calories, but they improve satiety and allow you to eat less without feeling hungry.

They’re also a terrific way to incorporate extra veggies into your diet.

It makes no difference whether you consume soup before or after your main course. This has been shown to be effective for both youngsters and adults.


According to research, having breakfast helps you maintain a healthy weight, and skipping it increases your chances of becoming overweight.

But here’s where I’m likely to go wrong: you can’t simply have any sort of breakfast.

Because only cereal, and especially cooked cereal, is linked to a reduced BMI.

To me, cooked cereal equals oatmeal. It satisfies you and keeps you full for a long period. Even fruits and veggies pale in comparison to this nutritious breakfast.


When compared to a low-calorie/low-fat diet or a high-glycemic load diet, eating a low glycemic index diet helps overweight or obese persons shed more weight and fat.

So, what exactly is the glycemic index?

It’s a method that rates foods according to their impact on blood glucose levels.

Lentils, beans, bulgar, oats, most fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and eggs are examples of low-GI foods.

A list of the GI of over 100 foods can be found here. The article also discusses the significance of a food serving size.

A low-glycemic diet is also advised to decrease inflammation, which plays a role in the development and progression of many chronic illnesses. This kind of eating has also been proven to help decrease acne.

Check out these 11 simple healthy food changes for ideas on how to put this into practice.


Water. It is what we are made of.

And if you don’t receive enough of it, you may develop major problems such as headaches, feeling chilly, and, most crucially weight growth and cravings.

Yes, you might truly feel thirsty rather than hungry. Who knew this was a reality and not just any old fiction folks tell?

Another reason to drink more water for weight reduction is that it might assist you in burning more calories. Again, I didn’t believe it, but it’s real! According to one research, drinking water boosts metabolic rate (energy expenditure) by 30%.

As a result, it’s a good idea to drink a glass of water before eating anything. Then decide whether or not you’re hungry. If you aren’t hungry, don’t eat; if you are, eat something healthy. That is a crucial weight reduction habit that might be really beneficial.

7. NUTS As a Snack

People are apprehensive about eating nuts since they are heavy in calories and fat.

And if you’ve been watching calories, you’ve undoubtedly avoided nuts like the plague.

However, nuts contain some of the greatest nutrients and have been linked to lifespan (12) and improved cognition in older persons.

Nuts have also been demonstrated to reduce the chance of becoming overweight.

How can something with double the calories of a burger be beneficial for your body?

This is because the calories in nuts are not as readily bioaccessible as the calories in a burger. This implies that although consuming a bag of almonds may provide 600kcal, your body will not absorb all of them.

Almonds and peanuts, on the other hand, have been demonstrated to reduce hunger and the urge to eat more after that. As a result, consume nuts as a snack.

When you do this, you will not feel hungry; in fact, you will feel rather full. This will keep you from making poor food choices later on and will keep you from overeating.

A handful of nuts every day is enough.


So, you’re in a calm place, like the library (or a lecture), when your stomach begins to growl as if you’re holding an angry cat in there.

Don’t be terrified of the sensation.

While you should not starve yourself, this sensation is your true signal: “Hey, it’s time to go eat something.”

Before that, no way. Don’t eat if you don’t want to feel hungry.

People are frightened to say this. It’s as if telling someone to allow themselves to feel hungry for even a minute encourages them to develop an eating problem.

However, if you begin eating to avoid hunger, you are setting yourself up for overeating.

I’m aware of it because I’ve done it.

So be aware of this and really comprehend whether you’re hungry, bored, or in hunger avoidance mode.


It has been shown that the human gut flora, obesity, and weight reduction are all linked.

While we don’t know exactly how we do know that an “unhealthy” gut may contribute to chronic inflammation (15). Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, often results in weight gain and obesity.

Another intriguing result is that the gut flora of healthy slim people differs significantly from that of obese people, most likely due to the way they consume.

One intriguing research found that when thin persons’ gut microbes were transplanted into obese participants, the obese subjects lost weight. (I learned about it in Chapters 3 and 7 of this book.) More information on how to enhance your gut health may be found here.


The composition of your diet and the number of calories you consume are other important factors in weight reduction.

Your satiety level rises when you consume things in their original condition, whole and unprocessed.

In one research, scientists examined the impact of whole apples on apple juice and sauce and discovered that consuming fruit whole decreases hunger more than juices or sauces, whereas juices or sauces did not suppress appetite or enhance satiety.

I, for example, would seldom consume a whole bag of peanuts. But what about a jar of peanut butter? It’s not a big deal for me.

The exception to this rule, as I said in tips #2 and #3, is concealed veggies and soups. These reduce the calorie density of the meal while keeping you satisfied.


We’re not talking about the well-known calorie monsters such as soda, booze, and sugary beverages. We’re talking about healthful meals that might really hinder your weight reduction efforts.

Even if you don’t drink Coke or fruit juice, you’re definitely receiving some hidden calories from your beverages.

Stop doing it.

Everything adds up.

As I already said, the shape is important as well. Moreover, getting a drink on the run isn’t as filling as sitting down for a whole meal.

Plus, although I believe healthy smoothies are wonderful, adding peanut butter, dates, honey, full-fat milk, or agave syrup to a smoothie will never help you lose weight.

In fact, it may cause you to gain weight.

Drink your smoothies with mostly fruits and vegetables and drink your coffee black or with just a little milk/preferably non-dairy milk.

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