10 Best Weight Loss Hacks For A Flat Belly After 40

We all want a rapid metabolism that burns calories quickly, but as we get older, it gets more difficult to achieve.

Did you know that between the ages of 30 and 40, women lose between 3% to 5% of their muscular mass?

That means it’s harder to maintain your metabolism running at the same speed, and it’s easier to acquire weight, especially around your stomach.

It becomes much more difficult to eat the same meals in the same quantity without gaining weight.

As a result, as we age, our muscle mass diminishes and our fat mass grows, implying that our bodies are no longer burning as many calories as they once did.

Unfortunately, our metabolism isn’t what it used to be.

But don’t worry, if you want to stay small and look your best beyond 40, we’ve compiled a list of the greatest weight reduction methods for a flat stomach!

Continue reading to learn how to enhance your metabolism by making easy lifestyle adjustments and eating the proper meals.

1. Carbohydrates, Fats, and Protein

Every item fits into one of three nutritional categories: fat, carbohydrate, or protein.

Including all three in a balanced manner is the greatest strategy to assist your metabolism.

‘PFC Every Three,’ according to Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, is a term she invented to describe eating a combination of fat, carbohydrates, and protein every few hours to keep blood sugars steady and metabolism turned on.

2. Consume food every several hours

Don’t worry about eating many times because Bjork claims that snacking in between meals lessens appetite at mealtimes, resulting in fewer quantities.

Snacking, she claims, decreases the fat-storing hormone insulin and promotes the release of the fat-burning hormone glucagon.

To put it another way, quit starving your body and then compensate by eating large meals once or twice a day!

3. Breakfast Is an Absolute Must

You’ve probably heard this before, but aren’t you usually in a rush?

According to Rachael Devaux, RD, metabolic activities slow down while you sleep, so it’s critical to adequately replenish your body with a nutrient-dense breakfast.

Make a high-protein breakfast, such as cottage cheese on a high-fiber cracker, without hesitation.

“Not only is protein vital for preserving muscle growth while reducing breakdown, but amino acids are also more difficult for the body to break down, enabling you to burn more calories,” she says.

4. Hydrate

Always remember to stay hydrated! However, water is the best option.

Soda, juices, and other beverages with added sugars should be avoided since they have little (if any) nutritional benefit.

Furthermore, they’re high in calories that aren’t needed.

Drinking water, according to Dr. Lauren Beardsley, NMD of the Omni Scottsdale Resort & Spa, boosts energy expenditure throughout the day, meaning the body burns more calories even while at rest.

Hydration is important for a healthy digestive system and helps the body cleanse.

5. Consume More Beans

Fiber is the non-digestible, zero-calorie component of a carbohydrate that gives bulk to meals.

Fiber causes your stomach to enlarge, making you feel fuller with less food.

Beans, according to Devaux, are a high-protein, high-fiber food that burns a lot of calories during digestion.

So, eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and bran.

6. Protein is Your Friend

Protein should be a part of each and every meal!

Protein is beneficial at any time of day; you don’t have to limit your protein consumption to just after an exercise.

According to research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, low-protein diets lead postmenopausal women to lose more lean muscle while also slowing their metabolisms.

Also, don’t associate protein with meat!

Quinoa beans and nuts should be included.

They may be able to assist you in obtaining more muscle-building nutrients.

7. Eliminate the use of artificial sweeteners

Artificially sweetened beverages, according to research published in the journal Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, might disrupt the body’s normal metabolic reaction to sugar, which can lead to an increase in hunger.

Furthermore, diet beverages are rapidly being linked to weight gain, metabolic syndrome, and a slew of other ailments.

According to Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN of RealNutritionNYC, the best advice is to avoid sweets completely. Her daily sweets limit is 150 to 200 calories.

8. Reduce your stress levels

Keep in mind that all of your metabolism-boosting efforts might be sabotaged by stress.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released in reaction to stress, as explained by Bjork.

When you are anxious, it causes your blood sugars to rise.

It’s the same as if you’ve been consuming a lot of sweet meals all day!

Insulin, the fat-storing hormone, is activated, transferring sugar from the circulation to fat-storing cells.

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to stress, but you may do your best to lessen stress in your daily life.

Going to the park with a buddy, maintaining a journal, going to the gym, or meditating are all examples of this.

9. Sleep Is Essential

Maintaining a healthy metabolism requires a good night’s sleep.

It’s a common misconception that individuals require less sleep as they become older.

According to Dr. Beardsley, sleep-deprived people have greater trouble managing their blood sugar, so they are typically hungrier than those who obtain the recommended eight hours of sleep each night.

Dr. Beardsley goes on to say that the less sleep a person gets, the less resilient he or she becomes and the more stress hormones they produce, making them more prone to weight gain.

10. Increase your physical activity.

Exercising and moving more is vital for metabolism maintenance, but don’t limit yourself to the gym.

According to Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, as individuals age, movement becomes more important since hormonal changes and metabolism in your 40s provide a great environment for extra fat storage, especially around the middle.

Walking to the mall, using the stairs, and taking long walks with your loved ones are all good ways to get more exercise.

It’s understandable that our metabolism slows as we get older, but Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN, believes we don’t have to accept this.

Exercise is necessary for preserving muscle mass, but changing up the routine or exercising at a higher intensity is even more significant.


I was feeling unhappy with myself…

Some days I didn’t recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror. I felt like I was at the end of my rope.

Until I ran into my old friend Lisa at the grocery store…

At first, I was self-conscious and pulled at my shirt. But as we talked, I couldn’t help but notice how great Lisa looked. She was in great shape and her skin was glowing!✨

I asked her what she was doing to lose all her excess weight. She tried to be modest, but I insisted that she tell me!

She said that she had started a simple “morning rice method” that made a huge difference for her.

I was curious, so I went home and checked out the blog post that she wrote.

And now, I’m burning 2 pounds per night and couldn’t be happier!

Click here now to see the 10-second “morning rice method” that transformed my life!

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